Many homeowners have a problem with chipmunks under their decks, which can cause an uncomfortable home for the homeowner. The simplest way to get rid of chipmunks is by trapping them or using professional extermination services.

Chipmunks are known to be a pest in many areas. They can cause damage to the home and make it difficult for the homeowner to enjoy their time in the house. This article will teach you how to get rid of chipmunks permanently.

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Chipmunks are cunning animals in a variety of ways. They’re also timid, so there’s a good possibility you won’t see them while they wreak havoc in your yard and around your house.

However, if you examine your yard attentively, you will see traces of their presence and possibly damage.

So, maybe you’ve already figured that out – that chipmunks are there — and are looking for a compassionate and effective technique to get rid of them.

Well, you’ve come to the perfect site to learn about chipmunks and how to deal with them in your yard!

This article will show you how to tell if there are chipmunks in your home and how to get rid of them in a safe and humane manner.

Continue reading for genuine solutions to your chipmunk issue!

How Do You Know If Chipmunks Are Working In Your Garden Or Around Your House?

There are four common signs that chipmunks have been at work. If you only notice one of these issues, it’s conceivable that another creature is to blame.

As a result, the more of them you locate together, the more probable it is that your issue is caused by a chipmunk. So keep an eye out for the indications listed below in your house and yard.

1 – Look for signs of damage in your garden.

Chipmunks will consume almost anything in your yard. Chipmunks are easy to see since they take the bulbs straight out of the ground, the buds off your flowers, and other garden plants that would not be eaten by another animal.

The more of your flowers that are gone, the more probable it is that a chipmunk is munching on them.

2 – Keep an eye out for holes in your yard and around your house and garden.

Chipmunks are most likely at work if you start to see holes in your yard, especially near plants. Because chipmunks are little, the holes will be small and easy to overlook at first. Several tiny holes may also seem to be close together.

If you have a dog, he or she may be sniffing or digging in the holes. They are letting you know that something is wrong and are urging you to take action!

3 – Look for their prints

Many animal trackers believe that understanding an animal’s footprint or the sort of dung they leave behind is crucial to recognizing the correct species at work. Chipmunk footprints will be small, but they will feature four front toes and five rear toes.

This will be distinct from the marks left behind by deer and rabbits, among other garden pests. This may be found in and around your garden, house, and yard.

4 – Look for seed shell stacks.

In addition to all of the aforementioned, you’re likely to notice a lot of seed shells under your birdfeeder.

Other animals, such as squirrels, may consume birdseed, but the more of these four items you locate together, the more likely chipmunks are your yard and garden problem.

Why Would You Want to Get Rid of Them in the First Place?

Chipmunks are adorable, and you may enjoy watching them scamper around. There are, however, a variety of reasons to get rid of chipmunks. They’re adorable, but they’re also a lot of bother.

Take a look at some of the reasons below.

1 – Chipmunks will eat just about everything.

Because they are omnivores, they will consume a variety of insects, even those that are troublesome. They will, however, eat your flowers and veggies. Nobody wants to put forth all that effort just to have it ruined by obnoxious chipmunks.

They’re also quick, so the harm may be done quickly and the chipmunks can flee before you can react.

2 – Chipmunks dig tunnels

Burrowing does not seem to be harmful. It may cause havoc in your yard, although that may seem to be a more bothersome issue than devastation. Chipmunks, however, may wreak havoc on your home’s foundation. That is a very costly issue to address.

The foundation is weakened by the burrowing. Chipmunk burrowing may cause damage to your house over time if not remedied immediately and correctly.

So, how can you keep chipmunks out of your yard?

1 – You may purchase a decent hunting dog.

Many people are unaware of this since it is not the most humanitarian method to handle a chipmunk, which means that if a dog captures a chipmunk, it will not have a happy ending.

However, since some dogs are obsessed with digging and catching chipmunks, it may be beneficial to assist chipmunks in moving on.

Dogs, on the other hand, may dig and do just as much, if not more, cosmetic damage to your yard as chipmunks. However, if you consider the danger of foundation damage to your property, getting rid of the chipmunks may be a worthwhile trade-off.

2 – Make your house and yard seem unappealing

Much of this strategy for making your house and yard unappealing is removing and cleaning items in your yard that chipmunks would consider important food sources. As a result, you’ll need to tidy up any fruit that falls from trees or berry bushes.

These fruits are great snacks for chipmunks, and if you have them on hand, you’ll attract more of them. This is one another incentive to pick up these delectable delicacies as soon as possible and enjoy them with your family.

You may also get rid of vines, piles of clippings, or tiny pebbles that chipmunks can hide in to keep them away. The more it is built up, the more it may serve as a hiding spot for a variety of pests, so there’s a strong incentive to get this done.

Similarly, keeping bird feeders above the ground is beneficial. Any conceivable food source or channel should be investigated. You might, for example, relocate the bird feeders away from fences, porches, and any other area that seems to be a chipmunk trail.

You may also deter chipmunks from approaching your home’s foundation by removing bushes and other vegetation that offer cover for the rodents.

Some claim that rock limits and walls are also areas where they may hide and be safe from predators.

3 – Begin with natural alternatives.

Planting natural deterrents is an excellent technique to keep chipmunks at bay. Garlic, like vampires, keeps them at bay! Daffodils are natural insect repellents as well.

You may use the garlic as a spice in your cooking and enjoy the beauty of daffodils if you grow these products as well. As a result, this choice provides you and your family with a twofold advantage.

This one will require some thought, and you could receive some strange stares. However, if you ask your hairdresser, or even a neighborhood barber, to keep some of their clippings for you, this may assist.

You may scatter the hair clippings across your landscape or house. The smell of humans is enough to scare chipmunks away from your garden or foundation.

Hair degrades quite slowly, so you’ll benefit from this for a long time. Some argue that the nitrogen provided to the soil is sufficient to assist your plants and grass.

4 – Take a look at the electronic options.

You can employ several reasonably priced electronic repellent devices. To keep the chipmunks away, they frequently use triggered sprays of water, ultrasonic pulses, and other methods.

Because most of them are electric, you’ll need access to a nearby power source in order to utilize a cable that will reach your location. Some are motion triggered, meaning they will only turn on when something moves.

These systems have also been shown to be effective against a variety of pests, making this an excellent investment in keeping pests out of your garden.

Many people believe that this is a good way to keep them out of your garden, but it won’t stop them from burrowing underground. On Amazon, you may find a variety of solutions, some of which are more reasonable than you would think.

Take a look to determine whether it’s a good fit for you!

5 – Use a liquid insect repellent.

There are various harmless liquid repellents you may test, so you won’t have to worry about injuring stray cats or dogs or your own pets if they happen to come across this. You have a variety of rodent protection liquids or sprays to pick from, so you have plenty of alternatives.

Try this recipe if you want to create your own. Using a couple of teaspoons of cayenne pepper, bring a quart of water to a boil.

Then allow the mixture to cool before adding a few teaspoons of olive oil. As you would expect, the easiest way to keep olive oil is in a dispenser that you can shake to mix the oil and water just before spraying it.

Be patient with this procedure as this liquid repellent alternative may take a bit longer to function. You’ll have to reapply often, particularly after each rain. The chipmunks must have a chance to come into intimate touch with it.

So you may have plenty of it on hand all year to dip bulbs and even the roots of plants you’re about to put into the ground into the solution.

6 – There are other dry repellents that may be used.

Dry repellents are typically the preferable choice since they stay longer. It will not wash away in the rain as other liquid repellents do.

Chipmunks are less likely to burrow there because of the long-standing presence.

The granular dry repellents may normally be scattered over your garden or critical spots in your yard or around your home.

Consider these grains as a barrier to entry, and sprinkle them strategically. Many of the products recommend spraying it not just around your garden or flowers, but also near your home’s foundation, just inside crawl spaces, and even in attics – wherever a chipmunk may get in.

Many people believe that you can use cayenne as a dry repellent in the same way that you can use it as a liquid repellent by boiling it in water and mixing it with olive oil.

It could deter a lot of pests!

7 – Add a fence

Mesh fence is often recommended as a chipmunk deterrent. Mesh fence may be installed even around the foundation of your property. This might save you tens of thousands of dollars.

Mesh fencing is also useful for enclosing fences, walls, and porches. An L-shaped pattern is often cited as the most efficient chipmunk deterrent.

8 – Include more impediments

A gravel border, rather than vegetation, may be an efficient approach to keep chipmunks at bay. Other tiny mulches may also be used.

Plant your bulbs in bulb cages as well to create a barrier around something that chipmunks find appetizing.

9 – Capture chipmunks in a humane manner.

You may use a variety of cages to catch chipmunks. Place the fresh fruit or sensitive plant towards the rear of the cage, where the chipmunk will be able to enter completely before the trap shuts.

The idea is to capture them in a compassionate manner and then release them far away from your house (and hopefully everyone else’s). The greatest traps feature one door and are up to 20 inches long. They are also less expensive and easier to run.

As previously said, chipmunks are highly sensitive to human scents, so prepare to use gloves while handling and baiting your trap.

You may conceal your trap in a variety of areas, but near your home’s foundation, a shed, or a fence are good options. A chipmunk will be attracted to any seed or tasty food.

It’s usually a good idea to double-check local animal capturing and release restrictions. In these cases, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

The “homemade chipmunk repellent” is a natural way to get rid of the pesky rodents. It’s easy to make and doesn’t use any harmful chemicals.

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