The sound of chipmunks scurrying through the walls is a familiar one in homes across America. These small critters are burrowing into your home to create their own nests and make life difficult for you, but there’s a way to get rid of them without resorting to chemicals or traps that can actually harm the animals.

Chipmunks are a nuisance that can be difficult to get rid of. This article will discuss 11 effective methods to remove chipmunk tunnels. Read more in detail here: get rid of chipmunks permanently.

How to Get Rid of Chipmunk Tunnels (11 Effective Methods)

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Have you recently observed a significant number of chipmunk tunnels in your yard? This is going to be really irritating, and you’ll probably want it to end as quickly as possible.

If you don’t take care of problems like these in a timely manner, these small animals may devastate your garden. Many people may notice chewed-up plants in the garden as the first indicator of chipmunks, and you’ll want to find out where the chipmunk tunnels are as soon as possible.

Chipmunks are charming, but when it comes down to it, they can be a pain. What can you do to permanently eliminate chipmunk tunnels?

Continue reading to learn more about chipmunk tunnels and how to get rid of them. You’ll discover the most effective strategies for removing chipmunk tunnels and attempting to keep chipmunks away from your home.

1 – Maintain Order in Your Garden

Chipmunks are attracted to your yard because they are hungry. If you have a lot of plants in your yard, the chipmunks may be attracted to the region.

Some plants and trees produce berries that fall to the ground, attracting chipmunks to come and eat them. Simply cleaning up your yard can reduce the likelihood of chipmunks bothering you.

Attempt to collect the fruits and berries that have fallen on the ground. If you clean up the garden a little each day, the chipmunks will have significantly less to eat than they would otherwise.

It’s all about making life difficult for the chipmunks. You don’t have to remove fruit or berry-producing shrubs or trees, but you will need to be more vigilant about yard cleanup.

2 – Maintain the cleanliness of bird feeders

Bird feeders may also serve as a signal for chipmunks looking for food. You may want to have bird feeders in your yard so you can enjoy watching the birds, but chipmunks may come and attempt to eat any spilt food.

It will be vital to tidy up any spilt food around your bird feeders to prevent exacerbating a chipmunk problem. If you want to maintain bird feeders in your yard, you’ll need to check them on a regular basis to make sure they’re clean.

If you want to get rid of your chipmunk issue, you should avoid putting bird feeders on your property. This isn’t absolutely required, but you should at the very least take measures.

It’s a good idea to choose a seed that chipmunks don’t enjoy when selecting seed for bird feeders. Thistle seems to be a decent alternative that won’t attract chipmunks.

It’s also a good idea to keep your bird feeders away from your house. The bird feeders should be placed between 15 and 30 feet away from your home, and you should keep them away from your gardens as well.

3 – L-Shaped Footers are a good choice.

L-shaped footers are one of the greatest techniques to deter chipmunks from tunneling in your yard. These L-shaped footers are ideal for use around your home’s foundation, fences, porches, walkways, retaining walls, and other similar structures.

These footers may prevent chipmunks from burrowing effectively, and they should help you solve your chipmunk tunnel problems. Chipmunks may quit up and depart if they are unable to navigate your lawn via a series of tunnels.

In general, these L-shaped footers have proved to be quite effective for dealing with chipmunk issues. They won’t break the bank, and they’ll be quite simple to put where you need them.

It’s a good idea to put a lot of L-shaped footers in your yard to deter chipmunks from digging. Try to put these footers in as many locations as possible so that the chipmunks can’t travel about normally.

4 – Remove any old wood or rock piles

When you’re attempting to keep chipmunks out of your yard, getting rid of old wood and rock heaps is an excellent option. Chipmunks, on the other hand, will use heaps of wood and pebbles as hiding places.

If there aren’t enough places for chipmunks to hide and hang out in your yard, they’re not going to enjoy it nearly as much. It’s likely that a chipmunk will just move on to a more suitable environment.

Chipmunks may occasionally locate food near wood or rock piles, in addition to utilizing these areas as shelter. By cleaning up your yard, you’ll also be reducing food supplies for the chipmunks.

If you live on a big property, this may take some time, but it will be well worth your effort. If you want to get rid of chipmunks, you must first get rid of your yard’s wood and rock heaps.

5 – Experiment with a Gravel Border

A gravel barrier is another effective deterrent tactic to consider. Chipmunks won’t bother with gravel, and you may use it to create a barrier between your garden and the rest of the yard.

To keep chipmunks at away, some homeowners build a huge gravel border around their yard. You may also obtain terrific effects by using gravel sparingly, but it’s up to you how far you want to go.

Using gravel barriers for your garden areas is at the very least a good idea. Chipmunks will have a harder time getting to your plants as a result of this, and you’ll have less to worry about going ahead.

Gravel is a fantastic deterrent since it works effectively and you don’t have to spend a fortune for it. Many individuals believe that gravel will improve the appearance of their yard.

6 – Think about planting things that chipmunks dislike.

Chipmunks don’t like certain plants, so they’ll stay away from your yard if you grow them. Garlic and daffodils, for example, are natural repellents that will help chipmunks avoid your yard.

Chipmunks are likely to avoid your garden if you put multiple garlic and daffodil plants. If you have space in your yard for any of these plants, they may be able to help you with your issues.

This is an excellent natural method for preventing chipmunks from burrowing in your yard. It will be simpler than ever to get rid of chipmunks when you combine powerful ideas like this with the other strategies described above.

7 – Experiment with Other Natural Repellents

Other natural repellents help deter chipmunks from congregating in your yard. Human hair clippings are an excellent idea to spread about the yard.

This may seem unusual at first, but it’s a wonderful strategy to frighten the chipmunks. Chipmunks are repulsed by human odors, and the fragrance of human hair will be exactly the thing to deter them from approaching.

If you’d like, you might ask your barber for some hair clippings to serve as a chipmunk deterrent. If you cut your own hair, you may simply store the cuttings and sprinkle them about the yard.

This works a lot better than you may expect, and it’s not difficult to execute. To address your chipmunk issue, just distribute some hair throughout the garden and yard.

Of course, the hair will ultimately blow away in the wind, but it will keep you warm for a time. This isn’t a cure-all for chipmunk issues, but it may assist and become part of your deterrence approach.

8 – Chipmunk Repellents in Liquid Form

To keep the rodents away, you might try using liquid chipmunk repellents. Some individuals prefer to use commercially available rodent repellents, and there are harmless ones available.

You can manufacture your own liquid chipmunk repellent if you don’t want to pay for a commercial one. Water, cayenne pepper, and olive oil are often used to form a repellant.

Whatever approach you choose is great, but after you have everything you need, you’ll need to spray your grass with the repellant. These repellents work rather well at keeping chipmunks away, however they will wash away in the rain after a while.

This means you’ll have to keep spraying the repellent on the grass every now and then to maintain its effectiveness. This procedure may need some patience to get decent results, but it does work.

9 – Chipmunk Repellents (Dry)

Dry chipmunk repellents are also available, and they stay a little longer than liquid repellents. The concept behind their use is similar to that of liquid repellents.

You’ll use the dry repellant in areas of the yard where chipmunks are prone to congregate. If you see any chipmunk tunnels, sprinkle some of this repellant straight into the holes.

If the chipmunks come into touch with this repellant, they will most likely dislike it. It’s important to know, however, that this repellant isn’t poisonous to chipmunks, and it shouldn’t bother other creatures in the neighborhood.

Electronic Chipmunk Repellents (No. 10)

There are also electronic chipmunk repellents available on the market that are quite effective. The concept behind this sort of repellant is that it uses specific noises to keep chipmunks away.

In essence, you’ll be setting up gadgets in your yard that generate ultrasonic pulses that will terrify different animals. Many animals, including rabbits, squirrels, raccoons, and even deer, are attracted to these repellents.

These gadgets are simple to set up, and some of them even run on solar power. Chipmunks will be deterred by being able to position them at different locations across the yard.

Other forms of electronic repellents that don’t employ ultrasonic pulses are available on the market. Some people, for example, use water to spray chipmunks when they go too close.

When you have a chipmunk problem, it’s worth checking into the electrical repellant choices on the market. This should make things simpler for you to handle, and it might even help you solve problems.

11 – Trapping Is a Possibility

People are also considering catching chipmunks in a humane manner. Chipmunk traps may be found that catch chipmunks alive without injuring them in any manner.

It will be able to move a chipmunk after it has been caught. The chipmunk should be driven a long way from your house before being released into the wild.

You’ll need to wear gloves to place the traps correctly for this to function. Chipmunks will be scared by the traps because of the human aroma.

The most effective traps are generally those that use basic one-door strategies. Chipmunks attempt to get into the little entrance to collect the bait, but they can’t get out.

You may use a variety of different items as bait, but peanuts work particularly well. It’s also worth experimenting with peanut butter or sunflower seeds.

The only issue with this trapping strategy is that it may be illegal in your location. Trapping forest creatures is illegal in several regions, and relocating animals is also prohibited.

It’s a good idea to research up the local regulations in your region before proceeding with this plan. To prevent any possible repercussions, you want to be sure you’re doing everything correctly.

Keep an eye on things.

Keep an eye on things. about taking care of your yard and taking the right precautions. You should be able to take care of your chipmunk problem before too long.

It won’t be nearly as difficult if you understand what you need to do to get decent outcomes. You now have a better understanding of how to deal with chipmunk tunnels in your yard and will be able to take the necessary steps to secure your property.

The “flooding chipmunk holes” is a method that will get rid of the Chipmunks from your yard. The other methods are just as effective and easy to do.

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