When weather is hot and the humidity levels are high, it can be hard to keep a baby cool without exposing them to danger. It’s important that parents take care of their children when they’re outside in these conditions. This article will discuss how you can help your child stay safe while camping outside during summer heat waves.

Camping with a baby in hot weather is one of the most enjoyable experiences you can have. However, it’s important to remember that your baby needs to be kept safe. This article will provide you with a list of items and tips on how to keep your little one happy and healthy during the camping trip. Read more in detail here: camping with baby checklist.

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You’ve chosen the ideal weekend to take your family camping. Summertime and sunshine. The only thing that worries you is that the temperature will be too hot for your infant. Hot weather may make your baby irritable and sweaty, but they can also quickly overheat.

Babies, unlike adults, are unable to control their body temperature. As a result, they may quickly get extremely overheated.

There’s no reason to be concerned or postpone your camping excursion. We’ve got all the details on camping with a newborn in hot weather, including how to keep them safe. You can have the ultimate summer camping vacation with a little forethought!

Where Will You Set Up Your Tent?

If you have a choice of locations for your campground, choose one with plenty of shade. Set up the tent in a location that will get a lot of shade throughout the day if feasible.

If you have the option, choose a campground spot with a wind, even if it’s just a slight breeze. Place the tent so that the entry faces the wind.

Your aim is to keep the tent cool enough that you and your baby may sleep comfortably in it. Otherwise, you may have some restless nights.


It can be cooler camping Waterfront, such as a lake, river, or stream. You’ll benefit from any breeze coming off the water. The one disadvantage to camping Waterfront is that it can increase the number of mosquitoes your family and baby will be exposed to.

Tent Styles

Choose a canvas tent over a nylon tent if you have the option. Nylon tents heat up more quickly than canvas tents. More circulation is possible with dome tents.

Look for one with mesh on all four sides. This will assist to keep the air moving at night, keeping your baby cool while she sleeps.

Tents for Daytime Cooling

Keep the tent’s entrance and windows open in the morning while it’s still cold outside so a breeze and cooling air may flow in. Close the tent during the warmest part of the day to keep the hot air out.

Then, as the day progresses and the weather begins to decrease, reopen the tent. It’s a bit of a balancing act since you’ll have to seal the tent before the mosquitoes arrive for the night!

Putting Up the Tent

If you put a tarp over the tent, it will stay cooler. At around head height, tie the tarp between two trees. It will give shade while yet enabling air to circulate up, over, and around the tent. It also keeps the tent dry if it rains!

The Best Baby Clothes

When it comes to what clothing to bring on your camping vacation, you want to keep things simple. The most important thing to remember in hot weather is to avoid overdressing your kid.

Pajamas and Onesies

A short-sleeved onesie is perfect if you can keep your infant out of direct sunlight. It’s simple to put on and remove. Choose loose-fitting long trousers and a long-sleeved shirt if you won’t be able to remain out of the sun.

Cotton, for example, should be permeable. For resting at night, use light cotton pajamas without feet.

Hoodies and Sweaters

When camping outdoors, the nights may become rather cold, so be prepared. Bring a hoodie and one or two light sweaters with you.

You’ll have more than simply light cotton garments to wrap your infant up in if it becomes chilly at night.


You’ll have to find a way to keep those little toes out of the sun! Bring a couple pairs of light-weight socks with you. They’ll keep her out of the sun without overheating her.

Light-colored garments

Wear light-colored attire for your infant. Dark hues absorb the sun, making her hotter. Light colored textiles reflect the sun.

Clothing for Protection

Cover as much of your baby’s skin as possible. If you’ll be out in the sun, outfit her in loose clothes with a tight weave, which means it won’t seep through.

No clothing is required!

It’s entirely OK to put your baby down in the shade and remove her clothing and diaper during the middle of the day when it’s hot outside. This is a fantastic approach for her to stay calm. And infants like the sensation of not having to wear a diaper for a short time.

Sun Shielding

It’s critical that you shield your child from the sun. From 10 a.m. until 4 p.m., the sun is at its brightest. During this period, try to keep as much as possible in the shade. Of course, this isn’t always achievable while camping in the great outdoors.

If you’re going to be outside in the sun, there are certain measures you may take to avoid sunburning your child’s sensitive skin.


Sunscreen is not recommended for children under the age of six months. If your child is older than six months, apply baby sunscreen. If possible, use sunscreen 15 to 30 minutes before exposing infant to the sun.

Apply to all sun-exposed regions of your infant with caution. Apply with careful caution to her face, especially around her eyes. You must remember to reapply every two hours. Especially if you’re putting her into the lake to chill down.

Even if your infant will not be exposed to water, it is recommended to use a waterproof sunscreen.

Hat for Extra Defense

Hats with a wide brim help shield your baby’s face from the sun. Look for hats with a secure Velcro strap to prevent the hat from slipping off – and your infant from pulling it off!


They have some adorable baby sunglasses that provide excellent UVA and UVB protection. Purchase sunglasses before your camping vacation and put them on to determine whether your infant would tolerate them.


Because you won’t be allowed to apply bug repellent on your baby, you’ll have to find alternative methods to protect her. One option is to bring a baby travel bed with you. They feature an insect screen and are composed of light-weight mesh.

These are great for camping with your baby since you can lay her down during the day to keep her safe from bugs while she sleeps. It may also be used as a bed at night.

Bringing mesh and net coverings with you is another option to keep the pests at bay. Both keep your kid safe from insects while allowing air to move freely. Attach the netting to playpens and strollers using clips.

Staying hydrated and fed

Keeping your baby hydrated will make it easier for her to cope with the heat. Schedule additional feeding time into your day if you’re nursing so she receives more water. Keep yourself hydrated to prevent your milk supply from dwindling.

Water is not suggested for newborns since it might fill them up and cause them to swallow less milk. However, camping in hot weather is an excellent excuse to break this guideline.

Consider giving her a glass of water to help her keep hydrated, especially during the warmest portion of the day.

Keeping Cool by Sleeping

In warmer weather, no matter what you do throughout the day to keep it cool, the tent might get hot and humid inside. Even late at night, it may be oppressive, making it difficult for everyone to sleep.

There are several things you may do to help your baby sleep more comfortably.


If you co-sleep with your kid at home, you’ll almost certainly need to do so when camping. Getting her to sleep in the tent by herself is probably not going to go down well!

On particularly hot evenings, a cotton sheet over the sleeping pad and another cotton sheet for cover will suffice. Make sure the sleeping mat is large enough to keep you from being too squeezed in.

Have a blanket or two on hand in case the temperature drops in the early morning hours.


If your tent is big enough, you may put up a playpen for sleeping. Look for playpens with mesh sides to allow air to move freely. When you’re camping in hot weather, all your infant needs is a cotton sheet on the bottom and a light blanket or two on top.

Polyester fleece blankets are a fantastic option since they’re light and don’t give a lot of warmth.

Portable Air Conditioner

A hot night in your tent may be lengthy and unpleasant for everyone, even your infant, if the air does not circulate. A battery-operated handheld fan will assist circulate air in the tent.

Even if it’s not chilly air, any circulation will prevent your tent from getting stuffy and uncomfortable.

Extra Cooling Suggestions

There are several extra things you can do to keep your infant cool, comfortable, and safe when camping.

Umbrellas de soleil

Buy one or more Umbrellas de soleil for your trip. You can set one up over a playpen or blanket when your baby is playing in the sun.

Shades for Strollers

Continuously holding your infant might make you hot and sweaty! Bringing a baby stroller to the campground allows you to travel about without adding to the heat.

Many strollers come with a canopy cover that may be attached. If your stroller doesn’t have this function, a stroller shade extension that fits most models is a good option.

Water Cooling Time

Bring a baby bathtub or a tiny baby pool with you. Fill with lukewarm water to keep your infant cool but not too chilly. Then take off her clothing and diaper and place baby in the tub while keeping an eye on her.

Bring some of your favorite bath toys with you. Your baby will believe this is all part of the wonderful camping vacation if you keep her calm.

Outside Napping

When it’s time for baby to snooze, place her in the shade outside the tent. Never let her slumber in the tent — even if you’ve put it up in the shade, the tent may become quite hot throughout the day.

Before going to bed, take a bath.

Before your baby’s last feeding of the day, give her a cooling bath. You’ll not only be washing off sweat and grime after a day outside, but having a Before going to bed, take a bath. and the last diaper change is cooling and refreshing.

Face Cloths with Water

Soak a couple face towels in cold water in the morning. Squeeze them a little and put them in a small plastic bag. Keep them on hand in case you need to chill down your infant.

Wipe her face, back of her neck, and any other exposed flesh with a damp cloth. Remember to go all the way to the top of her head!

As the moisture on your baby’s skin dries, she will feel cooler and more comfortable.

Overheating Symptoms

You’ll have to read the symptoms since your baby won’t be able to tell you when she’s too hot. Overheated babies are warm and clammy, and they sweat profusely. She may get fatigued and sluggish if it is too hot.

Make use of your parental intuition! If you’re too hot, she’ll probably be as well. If your baby seems to be overheating, place her in the shade and remove her clothing. To sponge her down, use cool, not cold, water.

Breastfeed or give her a bottle when she feels more comfortable to ensure she receives enough fluids to rehydrate.

Summertime amusement!

Summer is the ideal season to take your family camping and introduce your child to the delights of being outdoors and sleeping beneath the stars. Don’t be held back by the sweltering summer days and nights.

Camping with a baby in hot weather is perfectly possible with our knowledge and recommendations if you know what to do to keep her safe!

The “what age can you take a baby camping” is a question that many parents ask themselves. In order to keep your baby safe, there are some things you should do before taking them on their first camping trip.

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