When it comes to camping, parents-to-be may think that their first instinct should be a tent. But with so many other options for camping out on the market these days, you might want to rethink your strategy and consider investing in an air bed or sleeping bag instead of a more traditional tent.

Camping is a great way to get outdoors. It’s also a great way to bond with your kids, and teach them about the outdoors. Here are some tips for camping with babies or newborns. Read more in detail here: camping with kids.

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When you inform your relatives and friends that you’re going camping with your new baby, they’ll probably give you weird glances. However, this is the ideal time to go camping!

It’s a fantastic opportunity for the whole family to connect. You’ll be away from the city’s rush and bustle, with nothing to distract you from getting to know your kid.

When you’re sleeping in a tent and eating over a campfire, you won’t be able to keep to a schedule. Your schedule is always changing when you have a new baby.

So, go with the flow…now is an excellent time to go camping. Before your child complains about sleeping in his own bed!

Allow these suggestions to take the mystery out of camping with a newborn or infant.

Before You Leave

Take some time to prepare for your first camping trip before you go. Your first night camping will be less stressful if you are well prepared.

1. Get some camping experience.

Before you hit the road, it’s a good idea to practice “camping” with your infant. Set up your tent in the backyard and sleep with him for a night or two. You’ll be able to see how your infant responds to sleeping in a new and unexpected environment.

Consider this a warm-up for your infant before the camping season begins.

2. Weather Report

It pays to keep an eye on the weather forecast Before You Leave. Babies don’t do well in hot weather. It’s difficult to keep them cool and comfortable. So, if a heatwave is predicted on the weekend you plan on being outdoors, consider switching your camping dates to another weekend.

Cold and wet weather are the same. It’s difficult enough bringing a newborn camping. Add heavy rain and humidity to your list of things to avoid. The greatest thing you can do for yourself and your kid is to postpone your vacation until the weather improves.

3. Make a list and double-check it

Make a list of everything you believe you’ll need for your kid before you leave…in addition to everything you’ll need for the rest of the family.

Check and verify your list to ensure you don’t overlook anything. You don’t want to be hundreds of miles from home only to realize you forgot your baby carrier.

The Fundamentals

4. Don’t Forget to Bring Extra Diapers and Wipes

Diapers are one item you don’t want to run out of. So bring extra! If your child is running through disposable diapers quicker than you can keep up with, keeping a box in the trunk of your vehicle will come in handy.

If you use cloth diapers at home, reconsider using them on your camping vacation. Do you really want to spend your camping trip cleaning soiled diapers?

Wipes, washcloths, and towels are additional necessities that should not be forgotten. Have enough on available since infants, no matter what they’re doing, are prone to becoming filthy.

5. Comfort comes from familiarity

There will undoubtedly be instances throughout your travel when your infant is unaware of where he is. It might be scary to be in unfamiliar settings.

Even babies, on the other hand, have a favorite blanket that soothes them when they’re fussy or overwhelmed by everything going on around them.

Bring something familiar to your baby from home, such as a plush animal, a little toy, or his soother! The sight of something he recognizes and enjoys will help him relax.

If all else fails, put him in the carrier and take a stroll with him.

6. Bug and Sun Defense

Insect repellant should never be used on children. Investing in decent netting to protect your infant from insects and mosquitoes is thus worthwhile. When your infant is asleep, you may use the netting both outdoors and inside the tent.

The same may be said about sun protection. Sunscreen should not be used on newborns under the age of six months. You’ll need to organize your outside activities to keep him out of direct sunshine. Sun protection clothes and caps with large, broad brims are recommended.

Also, remember to keep those little toes out of the sun. Purchase a couple light-weight socks that will keep baby cool without overheating.

7. Purified Water

It’s probably already on your checklist, but filtered water is essential while camping. It will be required to mix infant formula, and having bottles of water on hand is much more convenient than waiting for water to boil.

Location of the Campsite

When reserving your camping, ask for a spot with a few trees so you may enjoy both shade and sun. This manner, you can keep your infant cool by moving him from the scorching sun to a shaded spot. When the day begins to cool down, go from the shade to the sun.

It can be a good idea to introduce yourself to your neighbors and let them know you have a little child with you. If your child thinks that weeping at 2 a.m. is a good idea, your fellow campers will have been given advance notice and may be more understanding.

Baby Clothes for Camping

It takes more forethought than you may imagine to bring clothing for your kid! You must be prepared for every eventuality. Here are a few pointers to keep in mind so that you have all of the appropriate clothing for him, regardless of the weather.

9. Layer Up

When you take your infant camping, one of your top objectives is to keep him warm. Mornings are generally chilly, so dress in a onesie, t-shirt, tiny trousers, socks, and a warm sweater to start the day. If it’s extremely chilly, throw on a hoodie. As the day progresses, you may begin to remove layers.

A sleeping bag is a terrific method to keep your infant warm at night when camping in the spring or autumn. Dress him in fleece pajamas, add socks if it’s really chilly, and put him into his sleeping bag.

10. Maintaining Your Cool

When you’re camping in hot and humid weather, keeping your kid cool so he’s comfortable and happy might be difficult. Hot infants turn into unhappy ones! And cranky infants may soon detract from the rest of the family’s enjoyment.

Find some shade for him to sit in, preferably in a stroller or on a blanket. No matter what he’s wearing, holding him in your arms or in a baby carrier will make him extra hotter.

In hot weather, try nursing or bottle feeding your infant more regularly to avoid dehydration.

11. Bring a Few Extra Sweaters

When you’re camping, the weather is continually changing. In the afternoon, what starts off as a beautiful, pleasant day might rapidly become gloomy and cold. Pack enough clothing to cover all eventualities.

It’s better to have extra sweaters than to not utilize them.

12. Onesies Are Never Enough

The same may be said for those adorable baby onesies and tees. Because they don’t take up much space, bring more than you think you’ll need. You don’t want your child to spit up on his shirt just to discover it’s the final one that’s clean.

Yes, you may begin washing one. However, having a stack of little garments makes it much simpler to avoid running out.

Time to Feed

Mealtime is a breeze for your infant if you’re nursing. If you’re utilizing a formula, there are a few extra factors to consider… but just a few Don’t allow the thought of feeding your kid keep you from going camping.

Optional Formulas

Bring pre-mixed formula so you don’t have to measure water or make it. Consider utilizing bottles that come with a disposable bag for the bottle. There will be less mess and easier cleanup this way.

If you don’t want to use throwaway bottle bags, carry a small tub that you can quickly fill with warm soapy water. Bottles and bottle nipples should only be washed in the tub.

14. Solids Feeding

You’ll need a strategy if your infant starts eating solids. You may buy little jars of his favorite cuisine and bring them with you. You may create your own for weekend camping vacations when you’ll just be gone for a day or two. Refrigerate homemade food in a well-chilled cooler.

If you’re feeling really ambitious, you may prepare baby food while camping. Just remember to carry a small blender and filtered water with you.

15. Appetizers

Remember finger foods for infants over the age of six months. Cut up Cheerios, soft cheese, and fruit into small pieces. If your child eats them at home, bring them with you on your vacation. Finger snacks are a terrific method to keep a fussy, hungry infant occupied!

It’s time to sleep.

When it’s time for your baby to sleep, both at night and during the day when you put him down for a nap, you have a few alternatives.

It’s All About the Convenience

The most important thing to remember about sleeping arrangements is to be comfy and warm! Consider the nighttime routine you’ve established at home with your kid, such as how you feed him at night and where you change his diaper.

When you’re camping, try to replicate this as much as possible. And if that means finding space to bring your breastfeeding pillow, go for it!

Cot Transporting

Set up a carrying cot in the tent if you have one. Even on the warmest summer days, the nights are generally chilly. Put a large blanket or two under the crib to prevent chilly air from rising up and chilling the infant.

A playpen is another option, however the size of your tent will determine this. A bigger playpen will take up too much space in a tiny tent.

18. Shared Sleeping

If you sleep with your infant at home, you’ll probably want to do the same on your camping vacation. Get a double-wide sleeping bag and spend the night with your infant.

Make sure he keeps his head up at the top of the sleeping bag for safety reasons. To prevent your baby from slipping down, place a cushion in the bottom part of the sack where he is sleeping.

If you’re nursing, co-sleeping is a fantastic option. He’ll breastfeed right next you, saving you the trouble of getting up in the middle of the night to feed him. Keep in mind that changing a diaper in the middle of the night with your infant in the sleeping bag might be a bit unpleasant!

Keep the diaper bag and a camping light on hand in case you can’t avoid it.

19. Noise at Night

At night, the campsite may be rather loud. Other campers conversing loudly and music playing may not be noises that your infant is accustomed to going asleep to. White noise is an excellent way to help your infant fall asleep. You may bring a white noise machine or download an app on your phone to help you relax.

A week or so before your camping vacation, use white noise at home. This helps your infant to get used to falling asleep to white noise…or, if you prefer, the sound of rain!

Baby Gear

Food, clothing, diapers, and a safe and warm place to sleep are the only things an infant needs. There are several pieces of baby gear that might make your camping vacation a bit more pleasant and pleasurable if you have the space.

Baby Carrier No. 20

You don’t have to stay at your campground just because you’re camping with a baby. A baby carrier or wrap is ideal for taking your kid on hikes or for a stroll down to the lake.

Invest in a well-made, readily adjustable carrier that you can use as your child grows. Even better are baby carriers with an adjustable head support.

Allowing your baby to snooze in the carrier while on a trek is a great method to ensure that naps happen! Look for a carrier with broad straps so you may carry it for extended periods of time.

Look for breathable fabric carriers for warm-weather camping to keep both you and your baby cool.

21. Playpen

Bringing a playpen allows you to set your baby down securely while you build the fire or prepare a fresh cup of coffee in the morning.

Make sure the playpen’s sides are made of a see-through mesh material. This allows for the circulation of fresh air throughout the playpen. When the baby is napping, you can sit a few feet away and yet keep an eye on him.

A mesh top is common on playpens. This is an excellent approach to keep mosquitos and other insects away from your child.

Your child may use the playpen as a camping bed as well. Simply place it next you in the tent. Use it for naps both at night and throughout the day.

22. Blanket and Foam Mat

Both inside and outside the tent, foam wrapped with a blanket is ideal for lying down. As a result, your baby will have a comfy area to lie while taking in the sights. You’ll also get a break from always holding him!

Stroller (number 23)

A stroller is a terrific method to move your kid around depending on the terrain where you’re camping. It’s also a secure location for you to secure him so he may sit and observe everything going on around him.

The majority of strollers feature a top that helps shield your kid from the sun.

Time for a Bath

Packing baby’s bathtub can take up valuable room in your camping kit. Use a regular storage container.

Store camping items in the bin, then empty it, fill it with warm water, and use it as your baby’s bath when you arrive at camp. It turns back to a storage container while you’re packing to leave home!

Nursing Chair No. 25

Having a chair both inside your tent and outdoors by the fire can make you much more comfortable than sitting on your sleep bag in the middle of the night, whether you’re breast or bottle feeding. Or sitting by the fire on a log.

It doesn’t have to be much more than a simple foldable chair that you can quickly assemble when needed.

Baby’s First Camping Trip

It’s never too early to introduce your child to the joys of camping! You and your family may create some wonderful memories with a little additional forethought.

When you’re sitting around the campfire at night, you’ll never forget your baby’s expression of awe. Or his response when viewing birds in the area.

For the first few camping trips with your newborn, stay close to home for two or three nights. Baby will get used to being on the road, sleeping in a tent, and having his diaper changed among the trees in this manner.

At least when you first start camping with a newborn, two or three nights should enough. You’ll rapidly discover what works and what doesn’t for you. You can go farther for longer after you’ve got it down to a science and know what to anticipate.

So off you go…on your baby’s first camping trip!

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