WORX WG782 14-Inch 24-Volt Cordless Lawn Mower is the innovative series of lawn mowers produced by WORX. The product is lighter as compared to the other lawn mowers in the market today having a weight of only 30 pounds. Aside from that, WORX WG782 14-Inch 24-Volt Cordless Lawn Mower comes with product dimensions of 6.8 x 16.1 x 13.2 inches. This comes with ASIN of B005QR47PQ. Specifically, many stores online provide this lawn mower. That is why the price from one source to another might vary. Furthermore, the product is backed by with 2-year warranty period. In case you are planning to buy your own WORX WG782 14-Inch 24-Volt Cordless Lawn Mower in the future, you should read this unbiased review of the item first.
Product Features
· WORX WG782 14-Inch 24-Volt Cordless Lawn Mower comes with adjustable height ranging from 1.8 up to 3.3 inches.
· The cutting width of the item is 14 inches.
· WORX WG782 14-Inch 24-Volt Cordless Lawn Mower is also instilled with IntelliCut technology that will add torque as you cut your weeds and grass.
· Mulching blade is also way better as compared to the typical blades.
· In just one charge, the mower can cut for up to 10,000 sq feet.
There are a couple of advantages you can get in using WORX WG782 14-Inch 24-Volt Cordless Lawn Mower. One of which is hassle-free startup. Once you turn the machine on, this will continuously work. The Intellicut feature present in the product is also the best. This ensures that the cut grass comes with standard height. The adjustable height of the product also makes it easy to use. Not to mention that it also comes with ergonomic handles that will make every use convenient. This is also lighter as compared to other lawn mowers.
Usually, the problem raised concerning WORX WG782 14-Inch 24-Volt Cordless Lawn Mower is its price. They say that this is too expensive. Yet, this is just properly set, especially when it comes to its features. Functionality wise, there are no justifiable complaints from other people.
Customer Reviews and Scores
As of the moment, there are 74 WORX WG782 14-Inch 24-Volt Cordless Lawn Mower reviews you can find in Amazon. Out of those numbers of reviews, 34 rated the item with 5 stars, 22 with 4 stars 5 with 3 stars, 7 with 2 stars and 6 with 1 star. The average score obtained by the product is 4.0 out of 5 stars. This means that the product is successful in providing satisfaction to its customers.
There is no doubt that WORX WG782 14-Inch 24-Volt Cordless Lawn Mower is among the best lawn mowers you can find in the market today. This is instilled with cutting-edge features proven and tested by many. Though this is expensive as what others say, it is still compensated by its modernized specs. Ensure that you will get original WORX WG782 14-Inch 24-Volt Cordless Lawn Mower in the future to fully experience what this product can do for you.