The new Blackstone Griddle is a special griddle that is designed for cooking eggs in the pan, rather than on top of it. If you’re just beginning to learn how to season this amazing product, here are some tips and tricks:

The “how do you season a blackstone griddle for the first time” is a question that many people ask. The answer to this question can be found in this blog post.

How to Season a Brand New Blackstone Griddle (First Time)

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So, after getting bored of lugging my 28′′ adventure-ready Blackstone Griddle from my deck to my camper, I purchased this brand new 36′′ Blackstone. As a result, I decided to write a piece on how to season a brand new Blackstone Griddle for the first time. So there you have it!

If you’re thinking about getting a Blackstone griddle soon, check out my post on the size Blackstone griddle to get. The links in the preceding paragraph will take you directly to each size on Amazon.

Which Oil Is Best for Seasoning a Blackstone Griddle?

Seasoning the Blackstone’s cold rolled steel may be done with a variety of oils, ranging from flax seed oil to extra virgin olive oil and even coconut or vegetable oil. When I was looking for the best method to season my 28-inch griddle, everyone seemed to advocate flax seed oil, but I couldn’t justify the cost.

To get the griddle up and going, I suggest just using vegetable oil. It is both cost-effective and functional. That being said, I prefer extra virgin olive oil while cooking. Olive oil is favoured in many sauces, sauteing, and dips, whilst vegetable oil is often used for baking and frying.

It is my understanding that extra virgin olive oil is even high in antioxidants. Another reason why I prefer extra virgin olive oil is it typically contains vitamins such as K & E. So not only is it more cost effective than flax seed oil but, for me, it tastes better and it also comes with some nutrients.

I use vegetable oil to season my Blackstone Griddle since it is less expensive and, after all, you will be burning it off anyhow. I only cook with Extra Virgin Olive Oil after the Blackstone’s cold rolled steel has been seasoning.

For the First Time, Season Your Blackstone Griddle

It’s a good idea to give the Blackstone Griddle a nice wipe down and clean it from the manufacturer before you start seasoning and firing it up. Some people advocate using a light soap, but I find that a moist paper towel or microfiber towel works just as well and removes the soap taste. These griddles, in my view, produce enough heat to kill everything else.

Set the burners on high heat in the Blackstone Griddle. It’s best to wait for at least 10-15 minutes, or until the Blackstone top begins to brown.


You’ll find several different suggested oils for seasoning your Blackstone for the first time if you check Google, Facebook, or Pinterest. As previously said, I advocate using only vegetable oil.

How Much Oil Does the Blackstone Griddle Need to Be Seasoned?

Seasoning the Blackstone Griddle top with roughly 1 Tablespoon at a time is suggested for the 17′′ and 22′′ griddles. Blackstone recommends 2 Tablespoons of oil for the 28′′ griddles and 3 Tablespoons for the 36′′ griddles.


I recommend 4 Tablespoons for the first coat to ensure that there is enough oil for the sides as well. Any surplus that isn’t being utilized may be absorbed by the paper towel.


Simply wipe the oil in evenly with a paper towel or clean cloth after it has been applied.


Apply a layer of extra oil to the interior of the griddle top’s sides.


The exterior edges of the griddle top should be treated in the same way. Make sure the griddle top has just a thin coating of fat on it and let it burn off. Allow it to burn and smoke for about 4-5 minutes, or until the griddle loses its gloss.


Repeat the procedure, using just 3 tablespoons of oil this time. It is preferable to apply an additional layer than to apply too much oil.


This method should be repeated 3-5 times, according to Blackstone. I only did 4 since I knew I’d be frying bacon on it the following morning for breakfast (the fats from the bacon grease will also season the griddle). Simply turn the Blackstone off after the fourth coat and let it to cool.


Add additional 2-3 Tablespoons of oil after the Blackstone Griddle is cold to the touch.


Distribute it evenly. This will prevent rust from forming, and you’ll be ready to either start cooking right away or store it until your next meal.


Once everything is done and seasoned, all you have to do now is put your cover on and you’re ready to go. Good luck with all of your Blackstone cooks in the future!


One thing to keep in mind is that even after all of these stages, the Blackstone Griddle will not seem to be completely black. The rest of your Blackstone will be absolutely black after a few more cooks and spices after supper is over, which is entirely normal.

Check out my favorite recipes now that you’ve seasoned your new Blackstone Griddle.

How Often Should My Blackstone Griddle Be Seasoned?

How often should the Blackstone be seasoned now that it’s been put to service, and how should it be cleaned beforehand? The short answer is after every cook, however if it has been a long time since it has been cooked on, it should be checked more regularly, particularly in southern regions where the air is salty. It’s also a good idea to apply a little coating of oil on the Blackstone to keep it from rusting.

The Blackstone should be cleaned with the heat on after each cook. The simplest method is to scrape it clean and spritz a little amount of water on it each time. With that stated, don’t pour a lot of water on it or the griddle top may distort.

After the griddle has been cleaned and cleared of food, it may be re-seasoned before being stored until the next cook. Simply brush the griddle with additional vegetable or extra virgin olive oil to achieve this. The heat may be turned off at this stage. Apply the oil using a paper towel or a lint-free cloth, such as a microfiber cloth, to create a thin coating.

This method will leave a lovely thin film of oil on the top of the meat, ensuring that it is well seasoned. If you don’t use the griddle for a long, this is essential to keep it from rusting, which would create a tremendous hassle, so it’s well worth the time and work.

The “how to clean a blackstone griddle” is a guide that will teach you how to season your brand new blackstone griddle. This process can be done for the first time and should take about an hour.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I season my Blackstone for the first time?

A: There are three ways to season a Blackstone. You can do it in the oven, you can use natural charcoal or woodchips, and lastly by soaking it in water with salt added.

How do you season a brand new Blackstone griddle?

A: First, you should pour a little bit of oil onto the grate. Next, heat up your oven to about 375 degrees Fahrenheit and then place the Blackstone griddle in there for 10-15 minutes before turning it off. Finally, wipe down with a paper towel as needed once out of the oven

Do you need to season a new Blackstone griddle?

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