Lawns are not the only place where nightcrawlers make their home. They can also be found in gardens, under sheds and even on your patio! Here’s a guide to removing these pests without killing them.

The “how to get nightcrawlers in your yard” is a question that many people have asked. There are many different ways to get the nightcrawlers out of your lawn without killing them.

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Do you have an excessive number of worms in your yard? It’s common to have different nightcrawlers on your lawn at specific times of the year, but it doesn’t make it any less bothersome.

There are really various methods to consider if you wish to get rid of these nightcrawlers.

Continue reading to discover how to get rid of nightcrawlers from your yard. You’ll be able to make an educated choice about which nightcrawler eradication technique is best for you if you understand the facts below.

After all is said and done, you won’t have to worry as much about nightcrawlers, and you’ll be much more equipped to deal with them.

Always Keep in Mind That Nightcrawlers Are Beneficial

Before continuing, it’s important to realize that nightcrawlers are good to your grass in a variety of ways.

Most people don’t try to get rid of nightcrawlers unless they’re causing a lot of damage to the grass because of their abundance. Nightcrawlers are beneficial to your lawn since they assist to aerate the soil and keep things healthy.

The only time this becomes a problem is if there are so many nightcrawlers that they all start digging towards the surface. This might result in concerns such as lumpy-looking lawns, which may be the reason you’re searching for help.

It’s likely that nightcrawlers may leave mounds of castings while tunneling to the top of your grass, but this isn’t a major concern.

It is typical for nightcrawlers to come to the surface of your grass at different periods of the year. When it rains, for example, you’re more likely to see them than normal.

However, some folks have too many nightcrawlers on their lawns, which you can eliminate.

Nightcrawlers: How to Get Rid of Them Without Killing Them

Now that you know how beneficial nightcrawlers are, you may want to avoid killing them if at all possible.

If you’re prepared to put in some work, you may be able to get rid of these nightcrawlers in a more tranquil manner. A pail, soap, warm water, rubber gloves, and a bucket are used in this simple procedure.

What you want to do is spray your grass with a combination of warm soapy water and water. Put 14 cup of water in a five-gallon bucket to shake everything up.

When you’re ready, sprinkle this bucket of water over the sections of your lawn where you’re experiencing difficulties with nightcrawlers.

Have no worry if you’re having trouble determining where your nightcrawlers are congregating. The ground will normally be somewhat uneven in regions where there are too many nightcrawlers.

Because of the abundance of earthworms, the plants in the vicinity or the grass may get somewhat yellowed.

The nightcrawlers will be drawn to the surface of your grass as a result of this. It may take a few minutes for them to appear, but if you apply this strategy, you will surely see them appear. Put on your rubber gloves and attempt to grasp the worms with your hands.

You’ll need to put the nightcrawlers in your now-empty bucket so you can transport them later. Gather as many worms as possible so that you may relocate them to a more suitable location.

Some people will kill the worms after placing them in the bucket, but it may be better for your lawn if you locate a better place for them to dig deeper and continue to aid in soil aeration.

Another possibility is to use nightcrawlers as fish bait. Many people like fishing, and they often use live bait like nightcrawlers to entice the fish to bite.

If you intend on going fishing soon, keeping the nightcrawlers in your bucket and going on a short fishing trip would be a good idea.

Worm Tunnels that are collapsing

Before you start experiencing problems again, it’s typically advisable to go ahead and collapse worm tunnels.

This measure should prevent an overabundance of earthworms in one region of your lawn too soon after the earthworms have been removed. You’ll need to get out your favorite rake once again to deal with this.

With a little power raking, you should be able to collapse the worm tunnels that the earthworms have built. If you wish to collapse the deeper tunnels, you may need to employ a ballast roller.

In most circumstances, though, this isn’t entirely essential, and power raking your lawn will generally provide satisfactory results.

Take the time to power rake your grass completely, and most of the worm tunnels should collapse. If you make an effort like this, you’ll have an easier job keeping the nightcrawlers at bay.

Unless you have a serious problem, doing this in conjunction with removing the earthworms from the region will effectively solve your problem.

If your lawn has a lot of uneven spots, investing in a ballast roller will be well worth it. Rolling your grass with a one-third full ballast roller produces excellent results and allows you to smooth out your lawn.

Wet the grass before using a ballast roller, and it’s also a good idea to do so before power raking.


Using insecticides to get rid of nightcrawlers is not suggested. This is mostly owing to the fact that most pesticides aren’t designed with the goal of eradicating nightcrawlers because of their use.

If you choose to use pesticides, you still have alternatives. Just keep in mind that this is only acceptable if your lawn has a large nightcrawler population.

Otherwise, you’re only damaging your grass by removing the earthworm population and preventing your lawn or soil from aerating properly. Now that you know this, you can begin researching how to apply the right pesticide.

To properly get rid of nightcrawlers, you will need to acquire grub control insecticide.

This will work out nicely since it will get rid of the nightcrawlers without harming your grass. Before spraying the insecticide to your grass, rake it to achieve the greatest benefits.

Find a rake that can scrape down deep enough to reach near to the grass’s crown. You’ll be able to scrape away the nightcrawlers’ surplus castings this way, and it won’t hurt your grass.

It’s also a good idea to water your grass and make sure that the top three inches of soil are wet.

After that, you’ll be able to use a hose to spray insecticide on your grass. You should get instructions on how to use the grub control insecticide you ordered.

To guarantee that you achieve the desired outcomes, you must follow the directions to the letter.

When Should Pesticides Be Used?

Even if you have a serious nightcrawler infestation, you won’t have to apply insecticides very frequently.

In general, the grub control insecticide should be used in April and then again in October. If you can utilize it twice a year like this, you should be able to avoid getting a bad nightcrawler problem in the future.

You should continue to use grub control chemicals while also purchasing something that will not hurt your grass. If you’re undecided, it’s possible that you’ll need to seek guidance on which pesticide to purchase.

You shouldn’t need to use it more than twice a year, and the application procedure is simple but not too complicated.

Last Thoughts

It’ll be simpler to figure out what to do now that you know more about your grass and your earthworm issue.

If you just have a few earthworms that come to the surface when it rains, it’s generally better to ignore them. You should only act if you find your grass is uneven or if you observe yellowing in certain areas.

Of course, if you utilize your yard for recreational reasons, you may desire less earthworms in particular locations. It will take some work to move earthworms, but it will be well worth it in the end.

Even if you have a lot of nightcrawlers, finding the proper insecticide is simple even if you don’t have a lot of expertise.

When it comes to getting rid of your nightcrawler issue, you have alternatives, and it’s up to you to choose what to do. It may not be essential to use grub control insecticides, but you may research into it if you need to.

Your lawn will be healthy and attractive as long as you make informed decisions based on your circumstances and the information provided above.

The “how to get worms out of the ground with a battery” is a great way to kill nightcrawlers without killing them. The battery will heat up and cook the worms.

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