A great deal of different things can be called “a rick” of wood, but this term is often used for a pile or stack. Many people refer to these as logs that were cut and either stacked together or have been left in one place on the ground without being split. In some areas, they may also be referred to as firewood.

“A rick of wood is a stack of firewood.”. “It’s worth about $20”.

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If you’ve just purchased a firepit or campfire and are new to buying firewood, you may be wondering what all of these titles mean. The different sizes of firewood sold by merchants are referred to by a variety of names.

Terms like chord, face cords, half cords, quarter face, quarter cord, eighth of a cord, and so on may be used. A “rick” of wood is one example of a phrase you could hear.

Understanding what a rick of wood is can help you grasp the many names and sizes associated with firewood.

What Does a Rick of Wood Look Like?

A rick of wood is an eight-foot-long, four-foot-tall stack of firewood. Depending on whatever firewood source you pick, it may be available in a variety of widths. The widths may also differ depending on local markets, area, or provider.

A face cord is a term used to describe a rick of wood. A rick or face rope of wood is often available in 12-, 16-, or 24-inch lengths. This implies that each of the firewood logs in the stack will be one of the aforementioned lengths.

The most typical log size for firewood is about 16 inches.

What is the origin of the name “Rick”?


The word “rick” is derived from an ancient English word that means “pile” or “stack.” It usually refers to piles of farm-related items like wood, grain, hay, and a number of other things.

It subsequently found its way to North America, where it is still heard often, particularly in the Midwest.

Before we can completely comprehend what a rick of wood is and how large it may grow, it’s helpful to grasp how large a cord of wood is. Cords of wood are often stacked in a four-foot-high, four-foot-wide, and eight-foot-long stack.

A rick is a fraction of a cord’s length. In most cases, a whole chord is roughly 48 inches broad.

To compare ricks and cords, here’s a tiny aid. A quarter of a cord is equivalent to a 12-inch broad rick. That’s roughly a third of a cord of wood if you have a 16-inch broad rick. A half cord of wood is equivalent to a 24-inch broad rick.

As a result, it’s critical to know how broad the rick of firewood you’re interested in purchasing is. Even with this useful measuring standard, bear in mind that measurements vary across suppliers and areas.

Don’t make a size assumption since it could not fit your needs. When choosing your rick of wood, be sure to phone the merchant as soon as possible.

What Is the Weight of a Rick of Wood?

This, too, varies depending on the sizes you choose. Not only that, but it also relies on the sort of firewood you choose.

White and red oaks are the denser forms of wood. The heaviest ricks on the market may weigh about two and a half tons (or 5,500 lbs). All of this is contained inside a single cable.

Spruces will be the lightest forms of firewood available. Even so, a complete cord will weigh roughly a ton and a quarter of a ton and a quarter of a ton and a quarter of a ton and (or 2,500 lbs).

The weight ranges from roughly 625 lbs on the low end to over 3,000 lbs on the high end, based on the width measurements given.

What Is the Average Number of Pieces in a Rick of Wood?


In general, a single cord of wood contains between 550 and 650 pieces of seasoned wood that must be split.

It all depends on how neatly it was cut and how securely the wood was packed. There are around 275 to 325 pieces of firewood in a rack.

Make sure to prepare ahead and speak with the distributor about the different lengths available based on where you are. You don’t want to plan for a certain amount of wood only to get less than you anticipated.

How Much Does a Rick of Wood Cost?

It varies on your location and dealer, just like everything else about a rick of wood. You should expect to spend between $150 and $250 for an oak rick or face cord.

The sort of wood you pick (black locust, red oak, maple, and so on), whether it’s been seasoned, how it’s been seasoned (air or kiln dried), the unique local market, and so on will all affect the price.

With all of those elements in play, you’re more likely to receive a range of prices rather than a particular price. Still, if you want to be safe, spend somewhere around the upper end of the spectrum to guarantee that you receive the quantity of wood you need without being surprised by the price.

To save paying delivery expenses, some people choose to pick up the wood themselves. While this is ideal, not everyone has access to a truck for transporting firewood.

If you want it delivered, figure on a delivery price of roughly $1 to $2 each loaded mile.

To prevent expenses from spiraling out of control, some providers may only charge after a certain amount of kilometers have been traveled. Whether this is your first delivery, it wouldn’t hurt to inquire if the first one would be free.

There are numerous of providers that offer free wood delivery, but be sure to include this cost into your budgeting and study of the various vendors available. You’d rather plan ahead and avoid paying the charge than not prepare ahead and be surprised by the extra expense.

A stacking fee may be charged by certain vendors. This may cost anywhere from $20 to $30, but there are lots of merchants that will do it for nothing. If you don’t want to stack the wood yourself, talk to the dealer first.

Some suppliers may not even provide stacking, so look into all of your alternatives before placing your purchase.

Keeping Your Firewood Safe


After you’ve made your purchase, it’s critical to store the firewood appropriately. Purchasing a rick, cord, or any other measurement of firewood is not cheap, and the last thing you want to do is throw it away.

It’s possible that it was delivered but not stacked. What are your plans with the firewood now? If you have it split and dried, all you have to do now is stack it in your preferred location.

It’s crucial where you stack it; you’ll need to be able to access it easily over the winter, and it’s a good idea to cover it.

There’s a lot more work to be done if the firewood you have delivered is damp or green and hasn’t been split. The first step is to break them down into more manageable chunks.

This is for two reasons: to make it simpler to transport and to improve the quality of the burn in the device you’re using.

If the firewood is damp or green, you’ll need to locate a place where it can dry while being stacked. The way you pile or stack the wood will determine how effectively and fast it dries. It’s also crucial to remember to stack your items above the ground.

The choice between bricks, logs, and pallets for keeping your firewood off the ground boils down to personal taste. Row stacking is the most prevalent, popular, and practical approach. Stakes may be used at the ends of the pile, or you can simply cross knot it to keep it firm.

There is one method of cross-tying that is almost perfect. When splitting the wood, attempt to break it into multiple square pieces. This makes the stack’s ends stronger than if you utilized irregularly shaped or spherical pieces instead.

This also saves a lot of time and work. After all, there’s nothing worse than piling firewood only to have it topple over due to sloppy ends.

It is also strongly advised that you avoid stacking between trees. Tree movement is real, and it will cause the piles of firewood to topple over, no matter how robust you believe those trees are.

You may utilize the circle piling and heap piling techniques, but single row stacking is the best overall strategy for a faster dry.

If you opt to stack more than one row, ensure sure there is enough space between each row. This allows for appropriate air circulation, which keeps the wood dry at all times.

Moisture may develop up in the fissures of wood that has been piled too firmly.

Of course, these are all standard firewood stacking methods. You may absolutely let your creativity go wild when it comes to how you arrange your wood. There are many different perspectives on how to stack wood efficiently and artistically on the internet.

It is critical that the firewood be stacked tightly, neatly, and tidy, regardless of how you opt to do it. Even if a sloppy stack isn’t a significant concern, it won’t look nice.

Try to imagine what your neighbors could be thinking as they peer over your fence.

What to Burn, Racks, and Holders


It is strongly advised that you burn only dry wood. Greenwood may produce much more smoke than is desirable.

Keep it in mind as well while stacking. First and foremost, you want to be able to reach the driest wood.

Rotating is also a nice idea. Burn some of the oldest pieces in the stack to prevent the wood from rotting over time.

You want to be able to use the full rick or cord, and letting portions go to waste isn’t going to help you achieve that.

When it comes to stacking, there are holders and racks that can help. Best of all, whether you store your firewood in the garage or a big shed, the racks and holders may be used both inside and outdoors.

If you do decide to store firewood in your house, just keep a few days’ worth at a time. Unwanted pests might be attracted to firewood.

Not only that, but it may also produce dirt and detritus in the form of bark fragments. Not only that, but the pollen that sticks to the wood may aggravate allergies.

Making sure the wood is dry is vital not just for burning but also for storage in your house. If you bring wet wood into your house, the moisture contained in the wood may cause your home’s humidity to rise.

It may be quite unpleasant to live in such a humid environment.

Last Thoughts

You may prepare for the winter ahead now that you know the various sizes of cords and racks, as well as how much they could cost. Depending on where you live, firewood might be a more homely and perhaps less costly source of heat than gas.

Making use of firewood is pretty simple, but it will need some forethought and effort. Ensure that you buy the right stack and that you stack your wood properly and carefully so that it lasts all winter.

With all of these items in your arsenal, you’ll be able to keep your house warm and cozy throughout the coldest months of the year.

A “rick of wood” is a unit of measurement for lumber in the United States. It is equal to 4 feet by 4 feet by 8 feet. The price of a rick of wood varies depending on where you live and what type of lumber it is. Reference: how much is a rick of wood in texas.

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