As the holiday season winds down, many men and women will be looking ahead to 2018 with excitement. One thing that is not on their 2017 list of resolutions: getting in shape. Whether you are a member of the gym or simply someone who is trying to get healthy for themselves and their family, it’s essential to know how to fix tough ribs (and prevent them from happening next time).

If you’re looking for a new way to prepare short ribs, try this. It’s easy and it’s delicious! Read more in detail here: how to fix tough short ribs.

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Ribs are a challenging meal to master since they aren’t something you eat every day. On important occasions like Memorial Day, Independence Day, or Labor Day, people usually barbecue or smoke ribs.

Most people anticipate this delectable dinner, and it might be disappointing if it does not arrive ready to melt in your mouth.

Your ribs will be tough at times. It’s possible that they’re overly chewy or dry. Fortunately, there are solutions to this issue, and you can also utilize this experience to learn how to avoid it in the future.

With that stated, I personally follow this Raging River Tender Smoked Ribs recipe, which has never failed me.

Why Were Your Ribs So Tough?

In an ideal world, your ribs will be soft, juicy, and slightly crispy on the exterior. If your ribs are tough, it’s probable that you didn’t cook them long enough. This occurs when you cook ribs at too high a temperature for too long.

It’s important to understand that ribs are naturally rough before cooking. Preparing the ribs, which may include cooking them for a longer time at a lower temperature or even steaming them, is an important part of making the perfect ribs.

If they’ve turned out to be difficult, there are a few options for dealing with the matter.

What Can You Do If Your Ribs Are Tough?

Apple cider vinegar and barbecue sauce may be combined to form a sauce. Use half of each to baste the ribs with sauce. Place them back in the oven on low heat after wrapping them with foil. Maintain a temperature of roughly 300 degrees Fahrenheit.

They will steam as a result of the particular sauce you produced, which will bring moisture back in. Leave them in for about an hour, and when you bring them out, they should be delicate.

What’s the Best Way to Cook Ribs?


The greatest method to prevent tough ribs in the first place is to avoid them in the first place. You’ll get far better results if you correctly prepare them, cook them with care, and understand how to tell when they’re done.

The first thing to keep in mind is that there is no quick way to cook ribs. They taste best when cooked slowly over low heat for a long period. This is a procedure that cannot be rushed. The ribs will not come out the way you want them to if you raise the temperature to minimize the cooking time.

You must first prepare them before cooking them. Before you cook your ribs, start by boiling them. Add the ribs once the water has been brought to a boil in a saucepan. Reduce the heat to low and let it to simmer for 45 minutes. Tender flesh is essential. The ribs may be taken out of the water.

After that, coat the ribs with the sauce you choose to use. If you’re using the grill, make sure the ribs aren’t exposed to direct high heat.

This will make them tough by drying them out. The heat should be on one side of the grill while the ribs are on the other.

After you’ve put them in, wait at least thirty minutes before checking on them. During this period, opening the grill often (or at all) increases the chances of drying out the ribs.

Check on them after two hours of cooking on low heat (about 325 degrees Fahrenheit). Tender flesh is essential. If that’s the case, they’re ready to be slathered with your favorite sauce.

If the weather isn’t cooperating with grilling outdoors, here’s how to cook ribs in the oven.

When Ribs Are Done, How Do You Know?


By trial and error, you can figure out when the ribs are done. Ribs come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and they all cook differently. Internal temperature parameters exist, however inserting a meat thermometer into ribs is quite difficult.

The crucial thing is to cook them to 190 degrees Fahrenheit, which is the temperature at which meat’s collagen and lipids melt, making it more soft and moist.

It’s a good idea to water the ribs while they’re cooking to keep them moist.

Ribs that have been cooked or steamed are the only ones that slip off the bone. Ribs will not slip off the bone when grilled. When you eat them, though, they will fall neatly off the bone. They’ll be more tender the longer you cook them.

Ribs cooked at 225 degrees Fahrenheit for four hours are more tender and juicy than those cooked at 300 degrees Fahrenheit for two hours.

This is a matter of personal opinion, but if you like super-tender, juicy ribs, reduce the temperature and cook them for longer.

However, there are a variety of tests that may be used to evaluate if the ribs are done or not.

  • Do they sway? Grab one of the ribs with your tongs. The rib should flex until the flesh starts to split when you hold it up and bounce it. They’re ready if it breaks open.
  • Is it twisted? If you twist the bone at the end of a rib, the flesh should start to come loose.
  • Is the flesh separating off the bones? The meat should peel back and show about a quarter-inch of bone when the ribs are done.
  • It has a distinct flavor. This tried-and-true approach will let you know when it’s done.
  • Make use of a toothpick. The ribs are done when the toothpick glides easily into the flesh between the bones.

Last Thoughts

Your aim is to make sure the ribs are cooked to perfection, but if anything goes wrong, you can still correct it and make your ribs juicy and tender. If they are dried out or rough after cooking, prepare a paste with apple cider vinegar and barbeque sauce.

When you return the ribs to the grill, this will create a steaming effect. They should be alright with a longer cooking time.

The most difficult aspect of preparing ribs is having the patience to wait for them to finish cooking. To make them juicy and tender, cook them for longer at lower heat.

Before you start grilling, go through my ideas for how many ribs to cook per person to ensure you don’t waste your time.

Ribs not pulling back from bone is a problem that can happen to anyone. The “How to Fix Tough Ribs (And Prevent It From Happening Next Time)” article will help you prevent it from happening next time. Reference: ribs not pulling back from bone.

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