The average lifespan of a crab apple tree is 20-30 years. If they start to droop and the leaves turn yellow, it’s time for replacement.

Crabapple trees are a beautiful addition to any home. They have bright red flowers in the spring, and their leaves turn into a beautiful orange-red color in the fall. However, if you notice that your crabapple tree is dying or has fallen over, there are some signs that it might be time for a replacement.

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Crabapples are gorgeous trees that offer a timeless four-season aesthetic effect in the environment. The crabapple tree produces brilliant green leaves with expanding blooms in gentle pink colours in the spring, which are followed by small fruit in the summer.

Finally, in the winter, the lush, autumn-colored foliage gives way to barren branches bearing long-lasting crabapple fruit. So, let’s see how long these magnificent trees can last.

Crabapple trees may survive anywhere from 30 to 70 years, depending on environment, maintenance, and disease. The amount of stress the crabapple is exposed to eventually accelerates the tree’s demise. Crabapple trees may survive up to 70 years, however after 40 years, they usually produce less fruit.

Throughout their lives, all trees are exposed to diverse stressors and have varying capabilities for stressful situations that lead to an expiry date. Given the wide age difference between 30 and 70 years, let’s look at the ideal circumstances for a crabapple tree to guarantee it reaches and, preferably, surpasses the latter age.

Crabapple Trees: How Long Do They Live?

With proper maintenance, crabapple trees may thrive for decades. Crabapple trees have an average lifetime of 30 to 70 years, however there have been a few instances when they have survived up to 100 years.

The crabapple’s longevity is highly dependent on the temperature, maintenance, and pest and disease exposure of individual tree. Stressful surroundings and diseases will shorten the tree’s life expectancy over time.

A normal crabapple tree will yield fruit in two to five years, depending on the temperature and circumstances. Crabapples may also fruit for up to 40 years before seeing a sharp reduction in blooms and fruit.

Crabapple trees that are more than 40 years old will need extra attention and supplementary food in order to remain healthy and disease-resistant.

Symptoms of a Dying Crabapple Tree

The crabapple, like any other tree, is vulnerable to severe weather, health problems, and insect infestations that, if left untreated, may lead to death.

It’s advisable to maintain a close check on your crabapple tree to avoid health problems from becoming worse. To ensure the crabapple is healthy, check the tree at least once a month.

Before a new health problem grows serious, you’ll typically be able to notice indicators of it. Recognizing the early signs and symptoms might be the difference between losing the ill tree and reviving and preserving it.

Let’s take a look at the three most common symptoms that a crabapple tree is on its way out.

The Foliage Doesn’t Look Like It Should

Assume you see yellowing or browning leaves on the crabapple tree, as well as smaller, wilting leaflets. In such instance, it’s usually a sign that the tree is suffering from either extreme climate change or underlying illnesses and diseases.

Branches That Are Dying

Branches that begin to break, discolor, flake, fall off, or sprout mushroom-like growth are signs that the crabapple tree is infected with a disease or insect.

If the whole branch begins to fracture and lose its leaves, you’ll need to treat the crabapple tree immediately before it dies.

Fruit with Discoloration

The third key indicator of underlying health concerns is changes in the crabapple’s fruit.

The crabapple tree may be suffering from climatic concerns, pests, or fungal infection if the apples suddenly become smaller, covered with spots, or feel squishy to the touch.

Pests and diseases that often affect crabapple trees

The following are the most prevalent diseases that afflict crabapple trees:

  • Scab on Apples
  • Apple-Cedar Rust
  • Blight caused by fire
  • a dark rot
  • Canker of Necteria
  • Mildew Powder
  • Beetles from Japan

These issues may be controlled with regular hygienic trimming, leaf collecting, and fungicidal treatments.

How Can a Dying Crabapple Tree Be Resurrected?

Crabapple trees may be saved if the health concerns are identified and treated as soon as feasible.

Here’s how to do it.

  1. Determine the problem and provide appropriate treatment

To begin, determine the usual problem with the crabapple tree. You might begin by assessing the tree’s condition, paying special attention to the three common problems listed earlier.

Examine the major features of the environmental setting, such as the soil’s health, water regimen, sunshine exposure, and Fertilizer, and make necessary adjustments.

Then, as quickly as possible, tackle the health concerns to assist the crabapple tree to recover. Pesticides or fungicidal treatments of insect infestations are often removed, and the care routine is adjusted or improved.

  1. Pruning a Crabapple Tree’s Dead Branches, Leaves, or Fruit

After you’ve treated the crabapple tree, trim the tree’s ill or dead leaves, branches, and fruit. As time-consuming as pruning a huge tree may be, it’s preferable to get to the root of the problem as soon as possible to promote new, healthy branches and foliage.

Trim the crabapple tree using a pair of sharp, sterilized pruning shears. To chop off heavy branches, consider using a clean hand saw.

Finally, while trimming the crabapple tree, just remove the dead or ill branches, leaving the good branches and leaves alone.

  1. Supplemental Feeding should be provided.

It’s preferable to undertake a simple soil test using a DIY pH testing kit before lavishly feeding the crabapple tree. Crabapple trees like soil that is somewhat acidic, with a pH of 5.6 to 6.5.

Apply an appropriate Fertilizer after the soil test to increase the soil’s quality and provide a perfect growth environment.

Old mulch may attract pests and illnesses, in addition to enriching the crabapple tree. If the mulch seems to be old, sick, or dried up, it should be removed and replaced with new mulch.

Apply a thin coating to help prevent the formation of fungus, bacteria, and insect infestations.

Crabapple Tree Requirements are ideal.

Finally, it stands to reason that optimal climatic conditions will only foster the crabapple tree’s healthy development and resilience. Less stress will increase the tree’s chances of living for another 30 years.

Humidity and Temperature

Crabapples grow best in temperate climates with little variation in temperature.

Crabapple trees also like typical humidity levels over 60%, which promote fungal and bacterial development.


In full light, most crabapple types produce the most foliage and fruit. Although the crabapple tree may thrive in partial shade, it need eight or more hours of full sunshine to produce abundant flowers and development, as well as to keep the tree healthy and flourishing.


Crabapple trees may grow in a broad range of soil conditions. The most important need, however, is well-draining, slightly acidic soil.

More importantly, root growth is aided by rich, loamy soil with lots of organic amendments, and a natural mulch will keep the roots cool and wet throughout the summer.

The crabapple will be less stressed if the soil is good, which will extend its life.


A mature crabapple tree has minimal water needs and is drought tolerant in most cases.

As a result, water the crabapple tree every other week throughout the first year to let it establish itself, or deep water it bi-monthly during droughts.

The crabapple’s stress levels are reduced by adequate irrigation. More importantly, it stops an established crabapple tree from drawing on its reserve energy reserves to live, restricting flower and fruit output and hastening the tree’s demise.


When the soil conditions are right, most crabapples don’t need fertilizer. Even good soil, though, may lose minerals over time.

As a general rule, a little quantity of compost and composted manure should be applied around the tree’s roots in the spring. Apply a thin layer of natural mulch on top to preserve the soil nutrient-rich.

If a soil test reveals that it is deficient, apply a well-balanced, slow-release fertilizer to avoid additional stress, which might lead to the crabapple tree’s premature death.

Last Thoughts

That’s all; crabapple trees may live anywhere from 30 to 70 years, depending on the temperature, stress, and quality of care they get.

To maintain a long-lasting and beautiful blossoming crabapple tree, avoid stressful situations and offer proper maintenance.

The “how fast do robinson crabapple trees grow” is a question that many people ask. The answer to this question depends on the type of crabapple tree and how it was planted. A good indicator that your crabapple tree might be dying, is if its leaves are turning yellow or brown.

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