In order to grow a lawn, you need to make sure that the grass is not only tall enough but also healthy. You can do this by using two kinds of grass seeds: St. Augustine and Centipede Grass. Both Grasses have their own pros and cons when it comes to how much water they need in order for them to thrive during the growing season. Which will win?
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Centipede grass is a type of ground cover that can be used in gardens, flower beds, and greenhouses. It’s also known as “St. Augustine” or “Florida centipede”. Centipede grass has many pros and cons. For example, it’s easy to grow but requires frequent watering.

Centipede Grass vs. St. Augustine (Which Should You Grow?)

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The kind of grass that is cultivated currently has been the subject of much study. It may not seem so at first, but there are many distinct types of grasses that people throughout the world enjoy growing.

If you wish to cultivate grass in your garden, you have many alternatives. These unique seeds are created with great care and after much investigation.

They are engineered to grow swiftly in a variety of conditions and to endure a variety of difficulties that might normally kill the grass.

These high-yielding types are now widely accessible in a variety of places, and they are simple to plant across your garden. If you have a large yard and want to add some fresh grass, you will find that there are many alternatives.

Different types of grasses, on the other hand, have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. If you’re planning to acquire a certain variety of grass, it’s probably crucial that you do your homework.

Remember that the grass will develop over many months, and you’ll want to make sure you choose the proper type. Otherwise, the expenditures of uprooting the whole garden, smoothing the soil, and growing grass from scratch would be too expensive.

Grass Centipede and Grass of St. Augustine are two of the most common alternatives accessible to customers. In terms of color, texture, and look, they are quite different.

Grass Centipede is considered hardy in zones 7 through 10 in the United States. When compared to Grass of St. Augustine, it is also a lighter shade of green and somewhat softer.

The Grass of St. Augustine, on the other hand, has more denser growth and is generally a deeper shade of green. When compared to other types of warm-season grass, it is also less cold resistant.

In regions with usually warmer weather, these are perhaps two of the more popular options. Both have a particular visual appeal, and they are also fairly durable.

They are simple to grow in business landscaping and provide several benefits. More significantly, if you properly care for them, they will flourish.

The more difficult challenge is deciding which one to select. While they are both excellent in their own right, you should be aware that they vary significantly.

Each has its own set of disadvantages and benefits, and some of them overlap. They’re also fairly popular, so it’s crucial to weigh your alternatives carefully before deciding.

Let’s discuss the pros and downsides of Grass Centipede and compare it to the St. Augustine kind.

Grass Centipede

Grass Centipede usually has a medium texture, and is generally low-growing. More importantly, the turf produced by the Grass Centipede is relatively dense, and it is also free of weeds.

This grass has an aggressive growth pattern and is also highly appealing. It also does not need a great deal of attention.

Compared to the Grass of St. Augustine, the Grass Centipede is able to tolerate colder climates. However, you should know that the shade tolerance of this grass is relatively low.

To preserve your grass from inevitable death, you must ensure that it receives at least six hours of sunshine every day.

Going by its name, you should know that Grass Centipede is generally a bit aggressive. However, that doesn’t mean that it’s not difficult to contain.

The grass only develops surface runners, so a few bed liners will enough to keep it in check.

Furthermore, you can easily plant the seeds in the ground or you can add the sprigs, and as long as you know how to care for it properly, it’s going to grow very well. The Grass Centipede is quite popular and is found in sod farms.

You may also get it at your neighborhood gardening or hardware shop. If you’re purchasing in quantity, you’ll need to invest in seeds or go to a local gardening nursery to get the sprigs.

While the amount of care and maintenance required by the Grass Centipede is a bit less, you should know that there are certain long-lasting issues that plague it. You don’t have to worry about these if you are growing Grass of St. Augustine.

Common problems you have to worry about with Grass Centipede are pests, changes in the nutritional requirements, and the centipede decline.

Dealing with Decline

Arguably one of the least understood problems regarding Grass Centipede is the centipede decline. For starters, you need to understand that it is not a disease.

Centipede decline is an issue that affects grass that is three years old or older. Essentially, huge areas with a yellow hue will form.

These areas are likewise on the point of dying, and they don’t survive very long. These issues may arise spontaneously in some circumstances, but they can also arise as a result of neglect in others.

Garden neglect is a severe issue that might lead to centipede extinction. The problem doesn’t have to be significant; it may be handled by eliminating thatch accumulation, cutting grass to a height of less than two inches, and ensuring that the grass’s moisture levels are balanced.

You may also do a soil test to figure out what’s causing the issue.

Infestation with pests

Nematodes and the larvae of the grub bug could cause serious damage to your grass. Even though the Grass Centipede does not have a higher sensitivity to chinch bugs, they do have a problem with nematodes.

For those unfamiliar, nematodes are tiny organisms that are often found in sandy soil and for which there is now no treatment. The only approach to get rid of nematodes in your garden is to ensure that your plants are healthy.

Then there’s the issue of grub bugs. They are usually little, like white beetles, and feed on the roots of the grass.

Healthy lawns can resist many types of grub bugs, but if the population continues to rise, dealing with the issue will become more difficult. As a consequence, you will need to seek suitable treatment, or your lawn’s plants may begin to die.

Grass of St. Augustine

Now that you know the pros and cons of the Grass Centipede, let’s talk about the Grass of St. Augustine. This is basically a fine-textured grass that is quite similar to Bermuda grass.

The stems are usually larger and flatter, and the leaves are broad and coarse. The grass is usually a blend of blue and green in hue. It rapidly grows into a thick grass when properly planted and cared for.

The grass is quite tolerant to shade, and you don’t have to worry about the grass requiring too much sunlight. However, you should know that the Grass of St. Augustine was created primarily for the warmer climates.

If you live in a colder area, this grass isn’t going to thrive for very long. Unlike conventional grass that is planted by seeding, a different process needs to be adopted with Grass of St. Augustine.

For example, you must realize that grass does not yield many seeds. Instead, you must grow it in the ground using vegetative approaches.

It will quickly begin to spread through the yard via the stolons and the above-ground runners. The only downside to planting the Grass of St. Augustine is the fact that it is incredibly sensitive to the chinch bug.

If you’re not cautious, this species of insect will quickly kill your grass. However, you may readily care for the grass by utilizing pesticides. Furthermore, you must realize that repeated treatments are required to keep the grass healthy.

Three of the most popular types of Grass of St. Augustine includes the Bitter-Blue, the palmetto, and the floratum. Each of these have different properties, and it would be a wise idea to compare them before making a decision.


The bitter-blue is an improvement on the original variety of the St. Augustine family, with a finer texture and deeper hue, and a mowing height of three to four inches.

Bitter-blue has a far higher tolerance for cold and can also withstand shade. However, shade tolerance is unlikely to increase much. It, on the other hand, has a far greater tolerance for salt and hot conditions.

The disadvantage is that this kind of grass is still very susceptible to chinch bugs.


Then there’s the palmetto. The palmetto is a St. Augustine native grass that was chosen for its finer texture and color. Because it is semi-dwarf, it has a plush aspect.

Furthermore, you will never have to worry about the grass growing thatch. The palmetto blade width is same to that of the bitter-blue.

When you plant the palmetto in the right environment, it will flourish all year and can easily survive the winter. If there is a strong frost, however, the odds of surviving are greatly reduced.

The palmetto typically becomes dormant after being repeatedly subjected to harsh frosts. The palmetto has a far better drought tolerance than other varieties, and it does not wilt as rapidly.

More significantly, as long as you make sure the grass receives enough water, you won’t have to worry about any big problems.


You have the floratum last but not least. This cultivar was developed to be resistant to chinch bugs and the SAD virus in particular.

While it used to be of good quality, it has deteriorated significantly, and the grass is now heavily infested with chinch bugs.

One thing to keep in mind about this grass is that it has a gritty feel and leaf blades that are significantly longer than most other varieties.

The cultivar is plainly not as cold resistant as the conventional St. Augustine, and if exposed to the harsh winters, it will suffer significant freeze damage.

If the temperature remains below zero for an extended length of time, it will suffer greatly and finally die.

The beautiful thing about floratum is that it spreads quickly, with the stolons extending about an inch in a single day. However, the grass is only mowed to a height of about one inch.

Which option should you pick?

As you can see, each grass has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. It is mostly determined by where you reside, so make your decision wisely.

If you’re having trouble deciding between the two, stop by your local gardening nursery and ask them about the many options available.

If you don’t want to worry about the cost of sodding the entire yard and need something that does not require a lot of maintenance, you should go with the Grass Centipede. It’s also relatively inexpensive.

On the other hand, if you want something that is going to have a dense texture and look unique, you should consider opting for the Grass Centipede. The Bitter-Blue is a pretty fine grass that will look great in your yard.

These are just a few things that you should know about the Grass Centipede and the Grass of St. Augustine, and selecting one from the other.

Centipede grass is a perennial plant that is native to North America. It has been introduced to other parts of the world. St. Augustine is a perennial plant that grows in the southern United States and Mexico. It can be identified by its lance-shaped leaves, which are usually green or purple. Reference: how to identify centipede grass.

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