Pesky weeds can be frustrating to handle, especially when they keep sprouting back. So today, we'll look at the best weed killer spray that will allow you to take care of the weeds for good. Then, after you pick the weed killer that fits your needs, you can take your sprayer and get started.

We've created a cool list of a few of the most effective weed killers in the market to give you an easy time while shopping. Here are the best weed killers to use in your sprayer.

1. Green Gobbler Vinegar Weed & Grass Killer

Green Gobbler 20% Vinegar Weed & Grass Killer | Natural and Organic | 1 Gallon Spray | Glyphosate...
  • KILLS WEEDS & GRASS FAST - Eliminate any type of weed in just a matter of hours. Expect full desiccation in...
  • SAFE TO USE ANYWHERE - Perfect for residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural use. Apply where weeds...
  • CERTIFIED FOR ORGANIC USE - Completely eliminates and desiccates weeds and grasses without using toxic...
  • POWERFUL FORMULA - NO potentially cancer-causing chemicals. Glyphosate-free. 20% formula is four times...
  • 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE - If you are not pleased, call or email us with your order number and we will...

This best weed killer spray is made by a brand that manufacturers various home care products that make your life easier. This Vinegar Weed & Grass Killer is created to remove any weed within a few hours of application. Weeds such as dandelion, clover weeds, white clover, crabgrass, and moss don't stand a chance against this Green Gobbler weed and grass killer.

We don't advise that you use it on your lawn as it kills grass too. Nonetheless, you can be sure that it is safe for residential, agricultural, commercial, and industrial applications. In addition, because it is made from corn, this weed and grass killer contains no toxic chemicals.

Another reassuring factor is that this Green Gobbler weed killer is in line with strict organic standards. So you don't have to worry about Glyphosate, which is harmful to the environment or other cancer-causing chemicals.

When applying this Green Gobbler weed and grass killer, fill your weed sprayer and get started. You can also use the included trigger sprayer. Remember that this is a non-selective weed killer. Therefore, ensure that you don't use it on your desired plants or healthy grass.

  • Pros
  • Doesn't have harmful chemicals.
  • Very durable.
  • Comes with a trigger sprayer.
  • Kills all kinds of broadleaf weeds.
  • Very fast acting.
  • Certified for safe and organic use.
  • Cons
  • Not safe to spray on healthy grass.

2. Syngenta 46256 Tenacity 8oz Herbicide

Syngenta 46256 Tenacity 8oz Herbicide, Clear
  • Eliminates weeds at seedlings so new grass can flourish.
  • Brand name: Syngenta
  • Made in United States
  • Assembly not required

Tenacity by Syngenta is one of the best herbicides in the market. These best weed killers can work on over 40 types of grass species, including crabgrass, dandelion, clover, chickweed, yellow foxtail, yellow nutsedge, and nimblewill. In addition, these best weed killers work as both a pre-emergent and post-emergent weed killer.

These pre-emergent weed killers and post-emergent weed killers are derived from a naturally occurring compound produced by the Bottlebrush plant. This weed killer can kill weeds such as crabgrass by preventing seed germination. If you already have broadleaf weed types in your garden, this weed killer will have them gone within six weeks of application.

You can apply Tenacity using a sprayer and leave it for about six hours before doing irrigation or before any rainfall. If you have any dense areas on your lawn, you can use this product for weed control. Don't be alarmed if you see some whitening around the weed areas, as this will clear within a few weeks.

If you want to enhance weed control, use this best weed killer with a surfactant. The surfactant will enhance the chances of this best weed killer sticking to the surface of the weeds. Mix half a teaspoon of this weed killer with ten teaspoons of surfactant, and put this into one gallon of water. This gallon will be enough to cover about 1000 square feet.

  • Pros
  • Works on over 40 different types of weeds.
  • Destroys the weeds at the roots.
  • Fast-acting.
  • Doesn't destroy your lawn grass.
  • Works as a pre-emergent and post-emergent weed killer.
  • Cons
  • Can change the color of your lawn grass.

3. Ortho Weed B Gon Plus Crabgrass Control

Ortho Weed B Gon Plus Crabgrass Control Concentrate2, 32 oz.
  • Kills crabgrass, dandelions and other common lawn weeds
  • Kills weeds to the roots
  • Kills 200+ weeds
  • Won’t harm the lawn – Guaranteed (When used as directed)
  • Starts working immediately

This best weed killer spray is an all-around herbicide that can kill over 200 kinds of weeds. The best part about these weed killers is that you can get them in various sizes and formulations. Some of these formulations also include crabgrass prevention.

You can get this Ortho Weed B Gon Plus in concentrate, ready-to-use, or hose-end sprat bottles. This array of bottles increase the convenience with which you can use this weed killer. In addition, this weed killer targets the roots to ensure that the weed will not grow again. Finally, if you don't like the results you get with these weed killers, you can get a full refund.

These weed killers are great for small patches of lawn weeds. The spray nozzle or the onsite trigger is easily adjustable to allow you to produce a narrow or wide spray depending on the target. You can also attach the Ortho Weed B Gon Plus hose-end bottle to your garden hose for convenience. If you do this, you'll be killing two birds with one stone.

To create the perfect mixture for your sprayer, add 2.5 ounces of this weed killer concentrate to the gallon of water and mix properly. Depending on the weeds you're targeting or the level of weed infestation, you might not see immediate results. For best results, spray during the daytime and when the weeds are actively growing.

  • Pros
  • Fast results.
  • Works on over 200 types of weeds.
  • Safe to use on your lawn.
  • Targets the root system to ensure weeds don't grow back.
  • Starts working immediately within 24 hours.
  • Cons
  • May not completely obliterate the weeds.

4. Southern Lawn Weed Killer

Southern Ag 13503 Lawn Weed Killer with TRIMEC 32oz Herbicide, Brown
  • For use on 9 turf types
  • Controls a wide range of lawn weeds
  • A patented combination of 3 proven weed killers
  • Directions for use in conventional & hose end sprayers
  • Recommend to use - Surfactant for Herbicide - for increased performance

Our fourth pick contains a patented combination of three good-quality weed killers. You can use it on several types of broadleaf weeds that are haunting your lawn. These best weed killers work best on young and tender weeds when it comes to weed control.

Some of the ingredients in these weed killers include 1.29% dicamba, 3.05% 2,4-D, and 5.30% mecoprop. You can apply these best weed killers using your typical garden hose. One and a half ounces should be sufficient per gallon of water in your sprayer.

This gallon mixture will cover about 400 square feet of grass. This Southern Ag Lawn best weed killer spray is safe to use if you have pets. Another great thing about this weed killer is that it works great with a surfactant. So try it out with a surfactant and see the results.

  • Pros
  • Works on nine different turf types.
  • Great on broadleaf weeds.
  • Can cover about 12,000 square feet of grass.
  • Comes with a detailed instruction manual.
  • Works great with a surfactant.
  • Cons
  • Doesn't come with a surfactant.

5. Monterey Post Emergence Weed Killer

Monterey LG5190 Remuda Full Strength, Non-Selective Post Emergence Herbicide, 1 Gal
  • Weed control - remuda full strength is a non-selective herbicide, it kills both annual and perennial grass,...
  • Full strength - this is post emergent herbicide is a 41% Glyphosate concentrate with surfactant. Glyphosate is...
  • Post emergence - this weed Killer is great for control during active growth of Unplanted areas and friendly to...
  • Non-selective - remuda post-emergence herbicide is non-selective and will kill numerous types of weeds. It...
  • Easy to use - simply mix the remuda with the appropriate amount of water for your desired strength level and...

These non-selective weed killers keep your weeds growing by killing annual and perennial weeds like crabgrass and broadleaf weeds. Some of these weeds include clover, thistle, poison ivy, and creeping charlie. This type of herbicide is great for use around your shrubs, trees, and flowerbeds.

You can also these types of weed killers to take care of certain tree species. We say that this weed killer is non-selective because it works on many types of weeds. Lawn care will get a lot more effective with this purchase.

Some ways to use this herbicide are for ornamental weed control, vegetation management, and non-planted lawn areas. These Monterey Remuda herbicides are safe for pets and kids. These weed killers eliminate weeds by killing them from the point of contact up to the root system. You'll notice effects within 3-4 days. You can use a blue dye to ensure that you don't double spray an area.

  • Pros
  • Works on several broadleaf weeds.
  • Comes mixed with a surfactant.
  • Destroys the weeds at the root level.
  • Safe to use around pets.
  • Cons
  • Not suitable for Nutgrass and Malva weeds.

What Types of Weed Killers are There?

Before you settle on the herbicide you want, ask yourself if your goal is to eliminate the weed problem or prevent it. The answer to this will allow you to choose the best weed killer spray that will work wonders for you.

Here are the two types of weed killers.

1. Post-Emergent Weed Killers

This type of weed killer is popular when it comes to weed control. As the name suggests, these weed killers prevent any weeds that are already up and about from continuing their reign in your garden or lawn. Once you spray this type of best weed killer on the weeds, it penetrates the weed's system up to the roots and kills the plant.

Unfortunately, most of these post-emergent weed killers are non-selective. This means that if you use them on your lawn, they will most likely harm the weeds and grasses. Therefore, although these types kill weeds very effectively, it's better to use them cautiously and away from plants that you want to stay alive.

Nonetheless, these weed killers are perfect for driveways, patios, walkways, and more. If you have a sprayer that can target specific areas on your lawn, you can use this type.

2. Pre-Emergent Weed Killers

Pre-emergent herbicides stop the growth of new root cells in the weeds while they are still babies. Many weed killers that fall under this type can eliminate various types of weeds on your lawn, including crabgrass.

The advantage of these weed killers is that they don't mess up the other plants in your garden or lawn. The reason is that these other plants already have developed roots. Another point to note is that these weed killers need water to activate them.

Once they are activated, they can now travel to the roots of newly sprouted weeds.

What Are Safe Practices When Using Weed Killer Sprays?

Safety always comes first, even when you're dealing with the best weed killer spray. However, the process of mixing the ready-to-use herbicide with water for your sprayer can be an arduous task, especially when you don't know what to do.

Having a correct approach when dealing with weeds will ensure that you don't damage your grass or other healthy plants. Here are some practices to keep in mind as you focus on home improvement.

1. Read Instructions Carefully

Before you start using your concentrate, read the instruction manual carefully, especially if it's your first time. If there's a problem with the manual, you can contact customer support or check out the manufacturer's website.

We've stated the mixing measurements for most of the weed killers above. First, however, confirm from the manual before you take out your measuring cup.

2. Use Protective Wear

Gloves and gumboots come very handily when dealing with weed killer sprays. Even if you are applying an organic weed killer, ensure that you have a pair of reliable and high-quality gloves with you. for extra safety, you can also use a pair of safety glasses.

3. Pay Attention to "Signal Words"

Signal words are the words used by the Environmental Protection Agency to warn users about the levels of toxicity in weed killers and herbicides. Familiarize yourself with these words to ensure that you don't miss a warning signal using Compare-n-Save or any other herbicide.

A good example is the word "caution," which means that the weed killer is relatively non-toxic or slightly toxic. This means that if it is swallowed, inhaled, or exposed to your skin, it can cause a reaction.

If you see words like "danger" or "poison," take extra care when handling this specific herbicide.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Does vinegar kill weeds permanently?

Yes. However, these may not be as effective as the weed killers we've discussed today. Nonetheless, if you know what you are doing, you can create homemade weed killers that are safe to use and are effective.

Nonetheless, remember that using vinegar is not a permanent solution. For effective lawn care, use high-quality herbicides that will prevent weeds from regrowing.

2. Do homemade weed killers work?

Yes. However, these herbicides may not be as effective as the weed killers we've discussed today. Nonetheless, if you know what you are doing, you can create homemade weed killers that are safe to use and are effective.

Most homemade weed killers are non-selective solutions. Therefore, avoid using them on plants that you don't want to be harmed. In addition, these herbicides work on both weeds and grasses. So, even though you want to be rid of these pesky weeds, ensure that you are not harming your flower beds and lawns in the process.