Begonias are beautiful, but deer don’t trust them. Thankfully, there is a solution to the problem!

Deer resistant plants are plants that deer will not eat. There is a wide variety of plants that can be deer resistant, but the most common are begonias and petunias. Read more in detail here: deer resistant plants.

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You want your yard to be as attractive as possible. This is why you grow a variety of flowers to make things appear nice and welcoming.

It’s a pain to grow flowers in your yard only to discover that animals have ruined them. People sometimes have to worry about common animals like squirrels and other rodents, but you may also have deer eating your vegetation.

If you know that deer frequent your property, you’re probably seeking for flower and plant varieties that they won’t eat. Are begonias deer-proof?

Read on to find out whether you should plant begonias if you’re worried about deer on your property. You’ll also learn about popular strategies to keep deer away from your plants.

Some Begonias are resistant to deer.

Some begonias are said to be resistant to deer. This is because they possess characteristics that deer dislike.

Keep in mind that a hungry deer could consume these begonias anyhow. In this case, “deer-resistant” does not imply “deer-proof.”

Regardless, local deer are unlikely to consume some species of begonias that you grow in your yard. Other plants will most likely pique their curiosity.

Just be sure you use the proper varieties of begonias for the best effects. You’ll discover some begonias that deer won’t eat in the list below.

What Kind of Begonias Should You Grow?

For individuals who reside in the southern United States, hardy begonias are an excellent choice. These begonias have a lovely appearance and are frost-tolerant up to USDA hardiness zone 9.

Another option to explore is dragon wing begonias. They may grow in the sun or the shade, although deer appear to dislike them.

Rex begonias may be used, however they do not produce blooms. However, the foliage on these begonias is incredibly attractive.

Tuberose begonias provide brightly colored blooms that will complement your yard. Many individuals use hanging buckets to store things.

When people are concerned about deer, wax begonias are one of the most popular plants to use. They’re tough and never stop blooming.

If you plant any of the begonias listed above, you should have no trouble with deer eating them. It’s still possible, however deer in your region will most likely have other food alternatives, causing them to ignore your begonias.

How to Keep Deer Away From Begonias

Of course, there are times when the local deer just refuse to cooperate. What happens if you plant begonias and the deer eat them?

There are, however, methods to safeguard your plants from deer. All you have to do is take a few steps to keep the deer out of your yard.


Fences may help since they make it inconvenient for deer to devour the vegetation. If a deer has to battle with fences, it will be less inclined to eat your flowers or other vegetation.

Deer are capable of jumping fences, although they may not want to. There are a few things you can do to make fences more effective deterrents.

Keep fences around your garden area, and build them tall enough so that deer can’t see what’s on the other side. A deer will not leap a fence if it does not know what is on the other side, since it may be injured or attacked.

It’s also preferable to utilize solid wood fencing rather than mesh or other barriers that deer can look through. Making a fence to protect your plants will almost certainly be worthwhile.

Sprays for Deer Repellent

There are various Sprays for Deer Repellent on the market that can help you to keep them from eating your begonias. Many scents are capable of scaring deer away, and this is the basic premise behind most animal repellents.

Purchase a deer repellent that contains components like predator urine. The deer will smell the repellant and believe that getting too near to your plants is risky.

Getting what you need shouldn’t be so costly. Deer repellant is available at a variety of department shops, but depending on where you live, ordering it online may be more convenient.

You may also check whether letting your dog urinate near the fence scares away the deer. Because dogs are predators, their pee should make deer nervous.

Human urine may theoretically be used as well. Human odors will make deer nervous, and they will avoid getting too near.

Near the garden, you may try using dog fur or human hair clippings. If you scatter some hair or fur around, the deer may be deterred from accessing the area for a short time.

Repellent Ultrasonic Devices

Repellent Ultrasonic Devices are another option that people like to use. These are devices that you can stake into the ground to protect parts of your yard from animals.

They make noises that animals dislike but that people are unable to hear. You may put one of these deer scare devices near your begonias to deter wildlife.

It should enough to deter deer from approaching too closely. The best part is that most of these gadgets are solar-powered for your convenience.

It will continue to operate as long as you position it someplace where it will get sunshine. This is a reasonable choice that will not break the bank.

Plant the Begonias in close proximity to your home.

Deer are intelligent enough to keep away from human dwellings. They are well aware that humans are harmful, and they are unlikely to approach your house.

This implies that instead of planting your garden in a field, you should strive to keep it near to your home. Depending on your circumstances, you may not find this to be perfect, but the plants will be lot safer from deer this way.

Planting begonias directly near to your home will make it extremely unlikely for deer to devour them. To gain the chance, they’d have to go dangerously near to your residence.

Ordinary home sounds and the presence of people will often frighten deer away from taking such a risk. Consider if moving your begonias to a more secure place is the best answer.

Last Thoughts

You now have a better understanding of begonias and whether or not deer will attempt to eat them. Because they feature properties that make them undesirable to deer, many begonias are called deer-resistant.

Even though a deer is unlikely to consume your begonias since they aren’t a very tasty food for them, deer will eat them in a pinch. Even if food is sparse in a given location, local deer will eat begonias.

For this reason, it’s good to use the deer deterrent advice above. You can try to keep deer out of your yard by using deer repellent, fences, and Repellent Ultrasonic Devices.

The “deer resistant begonias” are plants that are deer resistant. They will not be eaten by deer if the leaves are touched.

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