Residents of Michigan are sharing advice on how to get rid of raccoons at deer feeders. Residents can prevent the problem with some simple steps including doing away with food sources and covering bird feeders.

The “monkey chow for raccoons” is a recipe that can be used to get rid of raccoons at deer feeders. It consists of cornmeal, sugar, and molasses.

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Many individuals are enthusiastic about the prospect of putting deer feeders on their property. Some would do this just to enjoy seeing the deer dancing about their yards, while others will do it in order to keep the deer coming back when shooting season arrives.

Whatever motive you have for putting deer feeders on your property, it will be inconvenient if the food is devoured by raccoons. Raccoons are scavengers that hunt for food wherever they can find it, and they prefer easy-to-find foods.

What can you do to discourage the raccoons in your neighborhood from consuming all of the food in your deer feeder? Well, there are a few viable solutions available to you that will get the job done.

Continue reading to find out how to keep raccoons away from the deer feeders you’ve installed across your property. You should be able to come up with a decent approach that works for you.

1 – Think about catching the raccoon.

When individuals have difficulties like these, one of the first things they think of is trapping the raccoons. If you can capture the raccoons and move them to a new location, you may be able to solve this issue quickly.

Trapping a raccoon shouldn’t be too difficult, and there are a variety of raccoon traps to choose from. Some individuals construct their own traps, but you may make things easier on yourself by purchasing commercial traps designed for tiny animals like raccoons.

The only major difficulty here is that you should double-check your local regulations before proceeding. There may be regulations prohibiting you from injuring or transferring local animals, which may prevent you from doing what you want without getting in trouble.

At the absolute least, you should consult with the appropriate authorities before deciding whether or not to catch the raccoons. You want to get permission before you do anything, and it’s understandable that you’d want to stay within the boundaries of the law to avoid penalties or other problems.

2 – Raccoon Hunting

If you’re utilizing deer feeders as a hunting tool, raccoon hunting will probably come easy to you. It’s possible that your initial inclination was to just hunt the raccoons and be done with it.

This isn’t a bad idea, but bear in mind that you’ll need to call the local animal control officials first. You may have rules prohibiting you from hunting certain species, and this must be considered.

If you’ve established that hunting raccoons is legal in your area, you may proceed without concern. Hunting the raccoons shouldn’t take long, and you may use whichever strategies you believe would work best.

Raccoons will be less likely to cause issues with your deer feeders if you hunt the local raccoons. However, keep in mind that there will frequently be a large number of raccoons in a particular region.

Raccoons may be found in both rural and urban areas, and they are quite common. Even after killing three or four raccoons, there’s always the possibility that you’ll be dealing with them for a long time.

Just keep this in mind and realize that hunting isn’t always the most straightforward solution to your difficulties. There are alternative options to think about that will take up less of your time.

3 – Make the Raccoons Poisonous

Poisoning the raccoons is one option, but you’ll need to double-check if it’s allowed before proceeding. The main concept is that you can put food that the raccoons won’t eat in the deer feeders.

Some individuals have devised specialized methods for eradicating raccoons while causing no damage to deer. Many individuals, for example, promote a meal concoction known as “monkey chow,” which may kill raccoons while causing little damage to the nearby deer population.

Check with local experts to learn what methods will work best to get rid of raccoons. To prevent any problems, make sure you purchase anything that isn’t hazardous to deer.

Overall, this strategy is likely to be more convenient than hunting the raccoons yourself. Poisoning the raccoons may be the best option if you want to get rid of them.

4 – Put Raccoon Deterrents to Work

You might use raccoon deterrents to prevent the raccoons from readily eating the deer food. There are a few possibilities, however the majority of folks end up selecting “shark teeth.”

Raccoons will find it uncomfortable and impossible to climb the deer feeders if “shark teeth” are placed on the sides. Many raccoons will just quit up when they discover that breaking into the deer feeders takes too much time and effort.

If a raccoon tries to climb up the deer feeders, it will be chopped up by the shark teeth you have put on them. Overall, they should be effective, but there are still a few more deterrents to try.

Raccoons and other animals will not be able to climb it adequately if the legs of the deer feeders are greased. They won’t be able to get to the deer feeder this way, and the local deer won’t mind because of their height.

Another approach is to put a guard on the deer feeder’s legs to achieve the same result. These barriers are usually cones that prevent raccoons from climbing up to the deer feeders.

5 – Hire someone to control the raccoon population in your neighborhood.

Another option is to hire someone to control the local raccoon population. Local trappers will be prepared to catch and get rid of raccoons for a fee in certain regions.

This is a fantastic choice for individuals who don’t have much time to deal with such situations on their own. You may be a busy professional who spends a lot of time at work, and you may find this appealing since it is a straightforward answer.

The only major disadvantage is that this may be a rather costly undertaking. If you’re concerned about how much money you’re spending, you should look into something else.

Last Thoughts

You should now have all of the information you need to get rid of bothersome raccoons around your deer feeders. If you can put the strategies given above into practice, you should be able to get decent outcomes.

You don’t have to put up with obnoxious raccoons constantly interfering with your deer feeders. There are many options available to you, but you must first confirm that some activities are legal in your location before proceeding.

Raccoons are a nuisance for many people, and they often find their way into deer feeders. To prevent this from happening, you should use pvc pipe on your deer feeder’s legs. Reference: pvc pipe on deer feeder legs.

Frequently Asked Questions

What naturally keeps raccoons away?

A: There are many different ways in which raccoons can be kept away from your property. One of these includes using a motion-activated sprinkler system to scare the animal, as well as setting up an electrified fence with electric wire that has been run through a breaker box to give off a high voltage shock if any animals come near it.

How do I keep racoons off my feeder?

A: You should cover up your feeder with something like a trash can or lid. I also recommend you keep it away from places that racoons are known to frequent, such as pet stores and animal shelters. If theres no way around this, then youll need to take more extreme measures like using an owl decoy or trapping the animals in duct tape

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