If you don’t have a sleeping bag and want one for your next camping trip, here are 10 simple hacks to make the most of what nature has already provided.
A sleeping bag liner is a must-have for camping and other outdoor activities. It can be used as a blanket, pillow, or even an emergency shelter if needed.
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Most campers’ checklists include sleeping bags, but what if you don’t have one?
Perhaps you’re going camping and don’t want to buy a sleeping bag because you don’t believe you’ll use it frequently enough to justify the investment, or perhaps you live in a tiny apartment and don’t want a large sleeping bag taking up room in your already-crowded closets.
Alternatively, you could be trekking out to your campground and need to bring as little as possible. Perhaps you have a sleeping bag and meant to use it, but when you unload your vehicle at the campground, you discover you left it at home.
Whatever the cause, there are a few easy techniques that will allow you to camp without a sleeping bag. Take a look at the ideas below; some will be more practical for people who are still planning their vacation and can bring extra supplies, but others will work even if you are already at the campground and have left your sleeping bags at home.
However, there is one proviso before we begin our list of hacks. You won’t want to cut corners in genuinely cold weather, and many of these techniques will likely be insufficient to keep you warm.
Before deciding on a strategy to stay warm, bear in mind how cold the temperatures in your selected camping spot become at night.
However, during chilly or somewhat cold nights, these tricks are helpful for staying warm without a sleeping bag.
1 – Instead, use a Backpacking Quilt
This hack is ideal for people who desire a sleeping bag that is less in weight and easy to store. The goal of a hiking quilt is to be as light as possible while yet keeping you warm at night.
A bonus is that high-quality camping quilts are often less costly than similar-quality sleeping bags, making them a perfect option for budget travelers.
Adventure Alan has a great guide on backpacking quilts that you should check out if you’re thinking about it.
2 – Make a Sleeping Bag for Yourself
You can always create your own sleeping bag if you don’t want to purchase a commercial sleeping bag. A project like this will certainly be too much for someone who has never sewn before, but seasoned crafters can follow a basic instruction like this one from Instructables to assist them through the process.
Make sure you use high-quality goose down in your DIY sleeping bag since this is what will keep it warm. Goose down is also fantastic since it can give a lot of warmth without adding too much weight.
3 – Get a Sleeping Bag to Rent
Many individuals are unaware that a sleeping bag may frequently be rented at a reasonable price. For many campers, this is a fantastic alternative.
Large sports goods or camping-gear specialized businesses often rent out equipment. Some parks even rent out camping equipment, such as sleeping bags; just be sure to check availability first.
During the colder seasons, when you require a sleeping bag that is rated for the lowest temperatures, renting a sleeping bag is a great alternative. Because they may be rather costly, renting one might be a good way to save money.
4 – Wear Warm Layers to Sleep
Sleeping with warm layers of clothes rather than a sleeping bag might help you keep warm with only a blanket in warmer weather with evenings that don’t become too chilly. Depending on how cold it is, start with a mid-weight base layer, such as long thermal underwear, and then layer on top of that.
Also, try putting on a thick pair of socks and a warm knit cap before going to bed. It’s also crucial to make sure that all of your clothes, including your socks, are entirely dry before retiring for the night. You may lose a lot of heat by wearing moist garments.
5 – Make yourself as warm as possible before retiring for the night.
It’s simpler to keep warm if you’re already warm when you wrap yourself in your blanket than it is to warm up if you’re chilly to begin with.
To put out your campfire, wait until shortly before bedtime. Then attempt some easy workouts like a round of jumping jacks with vigor. Consider eating a light snack and a hot cup of tea before going to bed.
6 – Place a hot water bottle between your legs while sleeping.
This hack can keep you toasty for many hours. Before going to bed, fill a hard, plastic water bottle with hot water. Then put it between your legs and sleep with it.
The idea is that the heat will be directed into your femoral artery, which will assist to warm your whole body. If the bottle is too hot on your skin at first, cover it in a tiny towel or even a thick sock.
A decent write-up of this hack can be found on the Summiteer blog, which also includes some useful information on possible hazards and alternatives.
7 – Make Use Of Your Campfire’s Hot Rocks
This one is a little problematic since you don’t want to be burnt or start a fire, obviously. However, if you use caution, this may be a fantastic trick.
Take a few dry boulders, each weighing around 5 pounds. You may either place them in the fire or line them up around the perimeter of the fire. When the fire is out for the night, gently roll the boulders inside old pillow covers or wrap them in towels.
You can even use clothing in a hurry, but you risk leaving burn scars on your clothes, so only do this with anything old that you don’t mind damaging.
Now all you have to do is put these hot rocks inside your tent. They’ll keep you toasty for hours by radiating heat. Once you’ve got these hot rocks in position, try to keep your tent closed; every time you open the tent entrance, you’ll lose a lot of heat.
Use a Space Blanket #8
These are lightweight blankets that resemble aluminum foil and are often referred to as emergency blankets. They’re included in a lot of first-aid kits and tiny camping equipment packs, so if you forget your sleeping bag, you could still have one of these.
If you don’t have one, ask around among your fellow campers, since many people carry first-aid kits with them. A space blanket by itself will not keep you warm, but it may be useful when layered with a standard blanket.
Space blankets, like excellent sleeping bags, are designed to keep moisture out, which is crucial when it comes to remaining warm. They’re also designed to assist keep your body warm by preventing heat loss.
9 – Don’t Sleep on the Tent Floor Directly
You need a barrier between your body and the chilly ground, and a tent’s thin bottom won’t suffice if you don’t have a sleeping bag. Sleeping pads are your best choice in this situation. Air pads and foam pads are two examples of distinct sorts.
How to Choose Sleeping Pads by REI is a complete guide to the many kinds of sleeping pads and their benefits and drawbacks. This is useful depending on your journey and needs; for example, certain pads are better for backpackers who want to travel light, while others are better for cold conditions.
If you don’t have a sleeping pad or don’t want to buy one, bring some old rugs to line the floor of your tent. Anything that acts as a barrier between you and the freezing ground will be beneficial.
10 – Line your sleeping bag with a sleeping bag liner.
A sleeping bag liner, which is distinct from the sleeping bag, may also be used. These are available as stand-alone items, and many people use them to line their sleeping bags.
However, in warmer weather, you may be able to get away with only a liner and a warm blanket or layers of warm clothes.
If you forget your sleeping bag, ask around among your friends or other campers; many people carry liners with their sleeping bags and may be glad to lend you one.
If you’re interested in purchasing one, check out The Adventure Junkies’ sleeping bag liner evaluations, which include pros and disadvantages for each style of liner as well as information on who each type of liner is suited for.
Any of these hacks don’t appeal to you?
Not everyone will want to put these tricks for surviving without a sleeping bag to the test. Maybe you still don’t want to purchase a sleeping bag, but after reading about the many hacks, you’ve concluded it’s not for you.
You may always use a tent cabin or even hire a standard cabin instead of borrowing a sleeping bag from a friend, sleeping in your vehicle, or just camping someplace that is already quite warm at night.
This won’t appeal to campers who want to rough it in the woods, but it may be appealing to those who want to spend time in nature while still enjoying some of the comforts of home.
“Coleman sleeping bags” is a company that makes camping gear. They have been around for more than 100 years. Coleman has come out with 10 simple hacks to help you when you don’t have one. Reference: coleman sleeping bags.
Frequently Asked Questions
What can I use if I dont have a sleeping bag?
A: You can use any thin blanket or similar object to create a sleeping bag.
What to bring camping if you dont have a sleeping bag?
A: Bring a thick blanket or sleeping bag sheet. It will help you keep warm, and is also good to use as protection from the ground if it gets too cold at night.
How can I stay warm without a sleeping bag?
A: You can use a blanket as a substitute for a sleeping bag, or you could build an elaborate system with your jacket and hat.
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