So, you’re trying to start your chainsaw and it’s not budging. You’ve checked the gas tank and there is plenty of fuel in it. What could possibly be going on? Here are some things that might help make starting your chainsaw easier next time.

If you are having a hard time pulling your chainsaw because it won’t start, check the spark plug. If you have a spark plug in, make sure that it is fully seated and not touching anything. If you don’t have a spark plug, then use a screwdriver to remove the spark plug cover and inspect the insides of the engine to make sure there isn’t any debris or dirt that might be stopping the chain from moving.

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You may find yourself using your chainsaw for a variety of tasks in your yard. After severe storms, many individuals need the ability to chop fell tree branches and other sorts of debris.

It’s critical to maintain your chainsaw in excellent operating order whether you’re cutting tree branches or working on a large job outdoors. This is why having trouble starting your chainsaw can be so frustrating.

Do you find it tough to draw your chainsaw at the moment? “Why is my chainsaw so difficult to pull?” you may question.

There might be a variety of issues at play, and figuring out what’s going on will need some investigation. Continue reading to find out why your chainsaw is difficult to pull and how to get it functioning correctly again.

1 – The starter housing has been tampered with in some way.

The most frequent problem encountered by users is that the starting housing is broken in some manner. When your chainsaw’s starting casing is broken, it will cause objects to become snagged when you try to start it up.

The rope may get trapped and then fail to retract correctly, making it almost hard to start the chainsaw at times. This is quite frequent, but that does not make it any less irritating.

The solution to this problem is not difficult, but you will need to change the starting housing system. You’ll need to get a new starting housing system and install it so that the chainsaw can start without problems.

If you’re having difficulties with this, you may want to consider having the starter housing changed by a professional. It’s also conceivable that your chainsaw comes with a guarantee that covers such repairs.

Check to see whether your chainsaw is still under warranty so you can figure out what to do next. Even if your chainsaw isn’t covered by a warranty, you’ll be able to locate local companies that can assist you with such repairs.

So long as you’re familiar with everything, getting the correct components will enable you to do it yourself. Simply decide on the best course of action depending on your ability.

2 – The Pulley System Has Been Destroyed

Of course, the pulley system is another issue that might arise with chainsaws. Wear and tear, as well as anything unique, might cause damage to your chainsaw’s pulley system.

You could discover that the chainsaw’s pulley system isn’t functioning properly. This might be due to an incorrect tension setting or a weak contact between the pawl and the spring.

In this instance, you may need to change components in order to get the pulley system to operate properly. However, sometimes just tightening the pulley system and ensuring that the connection is as strong as it should be might solve the problem.

To figure out what’s wrong, you’ll just have to look at the pulley system. If a component looks to be damaged, the best course of action is to replace it.

If your chainsaw is still under warranty, you may be able to have this fixed as well. If it isn’t, it shouldn’t be too difficult to get the appropriate components and reassemble the pulley system yourself.

3 – It’s possible that all you need to do is change the rope.

Sometimes the only problem with the chainsaw is that the rope isn’t operating properly. It’s possible that the rope is frayed and becomes trapped when you draw it.

If this is the case, you should be able to resolve the problem without too much difficulty. You may simply purchase a new rope and follow the instructions for installation.

When you do this, you’ll almost certainly need to install a new starting assembly system. It isn’t difficult, but it will need a little more than just replacing the rope with a new one.

Examine the rope closely to check if anything is wrong. If you try to draw the rope and it becomes trapped in some manner, there’s a significant probability there’s an issue with the rope itself.

4 – Starter Spring Is Broken

In addition, broken starter springs are much more prevalent than you would imagine. Examine the spring to check if there are any indications of damage or if it isn’t performing as it should.

If your starting spring is broken, you won’t be able to get everything operating properly. This is an important component, and it’s worth looking into what’s going on since it might be the source of your issues.

A replacement starting spring may be purchased and installed with a new starter assembly. It’s inconvenient to have to go to such efforts only to replace the starting spring, but it might cure all of your issues.

5 – The Chainsaw Has Been Around For A Long Time

Have you considered the age of your chainsaw? Now, giving up on an old chainsaw isn’t always essential, but older and worn chainsaws might have more issues.

Chainsaws that have been in use for 10 years are more prone to develop difficulties as a result of wear and tear. If you’ve been using your chainsaw for a long time, it’s not surprising if it’s having trouble starting.

When chainsaws get rusty, it’s probable that they’ll struggle to start. You can and should attempt to avoid problems like these as much as possible, but it doesn’t imply they won’t occur.

Moisture exposure may cause a chainsaw to rust, making it difficult to start. There may even be instances when a chainsaw’s blade has been damaged and is no longer useful.

You may look over your chainsaw to see whether it’s suffering from age or damage. If the age of your chainsaw is a factor, you may want to consider purchasing a new chainsaw rather than paying for replacement components.

Wear gloves and take care while working on repairs.

When dealing with chainsaw repairs, try to use gloves and be cautious. You don’t want to end up harming yourself, which means you must take the necessary safeguards.

Even simple tasks like repairing the starting rope might be hazardous without gloves. Gloves reduce the risk of cutting yourself or injuring your hands when attempting to fix anything.

When fixing a chainsaw on your own, do things carefully and make wise selections. You’ll make more errors if you rush through things, and you’ll be more likely to be hurt.

There are many elements of chainsaw repair that are particularly hazardous. The edges of the rewind spring, for example, are more than sharp enough to cause injury, and they’re constantly under stress.

When replacing the pulley system, you’ll need to be very cautious when disconnecting the pulley. If you move too quickly or don’t gently release the pulley, you might harm yourself and end up in the emergency room.

By giving it your complete attention, you can appreciate how hazardous fixing a chainsaw may be. If you don’t feel comfortable performing these repairs yourself, you may always hire a professional to do them for you.

Always keep your chainsaw in a safe place.

Chainsaw storage that isn’t done properly is one of the most common causes of serious problems. If you keep your chainsaw in an unsuitable location, the chainsaw is more prone to rust and components of the chainsaw may get gummed up over time.

Chainsaws should be kept in a dry location where they will not be exposed to moisture. This implies that if you’re storing your chainsaw in a garage or shed, you’ll need to make sure it’s not moist.

Moisture will cause your chainsaw to rust, which is something you do not want to happen. Over time, a chainsaw will oxidize, but you may slow down the process by properly keeping it.

It’s also a good idea to store the chainsaw someplace where it won’t be exposed to direct sunshine, since this might speed up the oxidation process. For the most part, a dark, dry location like a conventional shed or garage would suffice, and you should never keep your chainsaw on concrete.

It’s a good idea to hang your chainsaw someplace out of the way where it won’t be exposed to damp or sunshine. You may already have shelves in your garage or shed that will suffice, but if you really want to, you can construct more.

Many individuals go so far as to store their chainsaws in a cabinet where they may be securely stored. If you have place for anything like that, it should work well for what you’re attempting to do here.

It’s also a good idea to keep the chainsaw from being caked in dust. You might go through your tools in your shed and garage and dust them off every now and again to avoid any problems.

It’s also a good idea to empty the gasoline tank on your chainsaw before storing it. If you have a gas chainsaw, this involves emptying the tank and running the chainsaw until the tank is completely empty.

After that, you’ll need to disassemble the chainsaw in order to clean and spray the chain and guide bar. This is done to prolong the life of the chainsaw, and spraying these components with a protective oil is a requirement if you want your chainsaw to last a long time.

Last Thoughts

It should be easy to figure out what’s wrong with your chainsaw now that you’ve learned more about them. There are a variety of reasons why a chainsaw may become difficult to use, but you should be able to resolve the issue over time.

Yes, chainsaws may get difficult to pull as they age, and it may not always be the greatest idea to keep attempting to restore the chainsaw. When a chainsaw has been in use for ten years or more, it is likely to be rusted and have other issues.

Despite this, it is feasible to continuously repairing a chainsaw for a long time. When their chainsaws develop small problems, many people replace and repair them, and you may do the same if you want to.

Examining the chainsaw and seeing what happens when you try to utilize the pulley system can help you figure out what’s wrong with it. When you look at things, it may become clear what’s wrong; other times, it may be more difficult to figure out.

You’ll be less likely to have problems if you keep your chainsaw in the safest possible manner. Chainsaws that are kept dry, out of direct sunlight, and away from dust have a greater chance of lasting a long period.

Hopefully, you now feel like you have all of the knowledge you need to succeed. It might be inconvenient to have to repair parts on your chainsaw when anything goes wrong, but as long as you don’t damage yourself, you can get the job done.

The “stihl ms 291 hard to pull start” is a problem that can be caused by many different things. Here are 5 things to check if your chainsaw is having problems starting or running.

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