The chainsaw has been around for a long time. It’s an important tool to help you maintain and keep your lawn looking great, but they can get really dirty pretty quickly if not properly cleaned after every use. There are many reasons why the blade gets dull so fast, here are some of them: The teeth on the saw blade wear down over time
The material that is used in the saw blades wears down over time
The oil becomes thick and clogs up
Lubricating fluid deposits on teeth

The “chainsaw chain looks burnt” is a common issue that occurs when chainsaws are used for long periods of time. Here are 7 reasons why a chainsaw blade will become dull fast.

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When you need to do specific jobs in the yard, having a chainsaw will come in handy. You probably use your chainsaw for a variety of tasks around the house, such as cleaning fallen branches.

Even if you like your chainsaw, when the blade becomes dull, it might be inconvenient. Some folks believe their chainsaw blades are dulling more quicker than they should be.

Is there a reason your chainsaw blade is becoming dull so quickly? Is it possible that you’re doing anything incorrectly?

Continue reading to discover more about chainsaw blades and how they get dull. Having all of the facts may assist you in achieving greater outcomes in the future.

1 – Any blade that is used often will get dull.

The first thing to remember is that any blade will get dull with repeated usage. Even if you sharpen and maintain your chainsaw blades properly, they will ultimately dull.

If you use your chainsaw often, it will eventually get dull. No matter how hard you try, it won’t remain sharp permanently.

Knowing this, you may anticipate some things dulling the chainsaw blade more quickly than others. Particularly difficult tasks may cause the blade to dull more quickly than other jobs.

Because you recently sharpened your blade, you may not assume you’ll need to sharpen it again so soon. It’s possible you didn’t notice how frequently you utilized the chainsaw blade throughout the day.

This doesn’t rule out the possibility that anything else is causing the blade to dull quicker than usual. It’s simply that folks often lose sight of how much they really use the chainsaw.

2 – Using Cutters with a Steep Angle

Did you realize that the angle of the cutters influences how quickly the chainsaw blade dulls? Sharpening angles between 25 and 35 degrees are often the optimum.

Of course, depending on what you’re attempting to do with the saw blade, there are some variances. If you’re attempting to cut anything really difficult, you’ll need a larger angle.

Optimal sharpening angles might also vary depending on the kind of blade you have. In general, you should seek assistance from the chainsaw’s owner’s handbook.

If you’ve misplaced the handbook that came with your chainsaw, you should be able to get the information you need regarding your model number online. Make every effort to get the sharpening angle just correct to avoid quickly dulling the chainsaw blade.

3 – Rakers that are too far down

Simple things like having the rakers too far down might cause the blade to dull quickly. If you notice that your chainsaw blade is dulling more quicker than you thought, it’s time to look into it.

Raising the rakers may allow you to utilize the blade for extended periods of time before it becomes dull. People often set things too low without realizing it, and only realize their mistake when they can’t maintain the blade sharp.

If you’re certain you’ve placed the rakers to the correct height, the problem might be something else completely. There are a variety of reasons why a chainsaw blade may dull more quickly than usual.

4 – Getting Rid of Dirty Wood

Another consideration is that cutting filthy wood may cause the chainsaw blade to dull more quickly. Is the wood you’re using the chainsaw to cut especially filthy?

When cutting muddy wood, many chainsaw enthusiasts have noticed that their blades dull quicker. If the logs you’re chopping up are muddy, it might be the only reason your blade is dulling so quickly.

It won’t be difficult to tell whether the wood you’re cutting is filthy or not. Dirt and mud are two things that might cause your blade to dull.

It’s reasonable to anticipate the chainsaw blade to dull a little quicker than normal while cutting unclean wood. You won’t be shocked if you need to sharpen the blade after completing.

5 – Some types of wood are difficult to work with when it comes to chains.

It probably won’t come as a surprise to learn that some kinds of wood are more difficult to cut with a chainsaw than others. You’ve probably heard that cutting through strong wood may dull your chainsaw blade quicker, but cutting through unclean wood can do the same.

Maple, for example, is noted for being difficult to cut with chainsaw blades. You can cut through maple with ease, but it will wear your blade more quickly than many other woods.

Chainsaw blades are also known to be difficult on hickory, ironwood, and hedge apple. After cutting through this sort of wood, you may need to sharpen your chainsaw blade.

Larger operations will wear down your chainsaw blade more quickly than smaller ones. Because you’re likely undertaking various operations that will take a varied toll on the blade’s sharpness, you can’t anticipate the chainsaw blade to dull at the same pace every time.

6 – Touching the Ground by Accident with the Bar’s Tip

Is it conceivable that the tip of the bar is accidently hitting the ground? You may not believe it, yet this does happen to certain individuals without their recognizing it.

With the tip of the bar, you may be barely touching the earth. This might cause the chainsaw blade to dull fast instead of staying sharp as long as you’d want.

If you don’t want this to happen, be cautious about how you cut the wood. Knowing how to spot a situation like this might help you get better outcomes.

7 – Problems with Chainsaw Sharpening

It’s possible that you’re just sharpening your chainsaw incorrectly, resulting in less-than-ideal results. People who are new to owning and maintaining chainsaws sometimes do not know how to properly sharpen the blades.

This isn’t to say you aren’t honing the blade; it just means you aren’t sharpening it as well as you might be. For example, you may be utilizing the incorrect file size, which could cause problems.

People will sometimes employ boring files without even recognizing it. As a result, the chainsaw blade may not be sharpened as often as it should be.

You can even be interrupting the sharpening process before it’s finished. If you’re just sharpening the blade a little, you may not be going far enough to get it genuinely sharp.

If you stop too soon, the blade will dull much more quickly than if you sharpened it all the way through. Perhaps you just need to learn more about sharpening chainsaw blades in order to improve your outcomes in the future.

Of course, you might be very aware of what you’re doing and this will not be the case. You need to take a look at what’s going on and attempt to find out why your blade is dulling so quickly.

Perhaps the Blade isn’t dulling as quickly as usual.

Now that you’ve learned more about the subject, you should assess if the chainsaw blade is dulling at a higher rate than typical. Depending on what you’re doing, it can be becoming boring at the right moment.

You’ve probably seen that certain operations might cause chainsaw blades to dull more quickly. A blade will be worn out after cutting through a lot of wood or cutting through unclean wood.

It’s possible that you just need to get in the habit of sharpening the blade more often. Chainsaw blades must be sharpened on a regular basis in order to be utilized effectively.

As long as you take care of the chainsaw to the best of your ability, it should endure for a long time. Chainsaws, on the other hand, need a lot of upkeep, and if you overlook certain details, they won’t last as long as you’d want.

Last Thoughts

You should be able to determine why your chainsaw blade is dulling so quickly. In rare cases, your chainsaw blade may not dull as quickly as it should.

Some operations may cause a chainsaw blade to dull more quickly than others. Cutting through filthy wood, for example, can put greater strain on your blade.

Certain kinds of wood are also more difficult to cut with chainsaw blades than others. Maple and hickory may be especially difficult for your chainsaw blade to cut through at times, requiring you to sharpen the blade more often.

There are times when errors you make will have a negative consequence. For example, you may be slamming your blade on the ground, dulling it.

It’s also possible that you’re having issues with the sharpening process. Perhaps you’re not sharpening the blade as well as you should be, or you’re using the improper file for the task.

Recognize any issues you may be experiencing so that you may address them. Otherwise, you may have to face the fact that you’ll have to sharpen the chainsaw blade on a regular basis if you use it often.

The “chainsaw sharpening for beginners” is a common question that people ask. There are 7 main reasons why a chainsaw blade dulls so fast.

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