Mulch is an organic compost material that can be spread on your garden beds and flower beds to help retain moisture, suppress weeds, prevent soil erosion and provide a base for planting. It also serves as a natural weed barrier between plants in the ground or containers.

The “what should i put down before mulching” is a question that many gardeners have. There are a few different things that you can do to help prevent the spread of weed seeds and other unwanted plants.

What You Need to Do Before Laying Mulch

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It may seem like mulching your lawn is a simple task. All you have to do is shovel it, throw it on the mulching area, spread it out, and keep continuing. However, there is a lot more to the procedure than you would think.

However, if you mulch correctly, you may direct your garden or yard to grow in the direction you like. It may lead to a more attractive landscape, healthier plants, and a better overall growing experience. The trick is to understand how to mulch effectively.

How Much Should You Spend?

Before you start placing your mulch, you’ll need to figure how how much you’ll need to do the task. You don’t want to get halfway through a project just to discover that you’re short on mulch.

On the other hand, you don’t want to get to the finish and find yourself with an abundance of mulch.

So, how do you How Much Should You Spend?? There is actually a pretty average step to determine this: find out the total square footage of the area you intend to mulch and then multiply the length and width of that space.

You’ll need to count steps to get the overall square footage. The average length of a step is around 2.5 feet. So, to determine the breadth and length of your yard area, count your steps. Then double it by the number of square feet you have in total.

After you’ve calculated the square footage, you’ll need to figure out how many bags (or scoops) of mulch you’ll need to effectively cover the area. Divide by 12 for two cubic foot bags or 18 for three cubic foot bags if you want a 2-inch covering of mulch. Divide by 128 if you’re dividing by scoops.

When Should Mulch Be Used?

Mulching isn’t something that should be done at random; there is a proper time and location for it. The best periods to scatter the mulch are in the spring and autumn.

Putting down mulch in the spring is beneficial to your plants since the seasonal rains will aid in the breakdown of the organic components included in the mulch. This then permeates the soil considerably more effectively, giving your landscape a clean, fresh appearance throughout the summer.

If you mulch in the autumn, you’ll have an additional layer of insulation when the winter months arrive. Many plants are sensitive to frost, and that additional layer of mulch provides the essential insulation for them to make it through the winter.

If you’re going to mulch, make sure the earth is completely thawed and wet. Also, choose a day that follows a wet season. You’ll be able to trap some of the moisture into the mulch while the earth is still damp, which will help your plants.

It’s time to perform the job when you’ve decided your mulching timeframe and how much mulch you’ll need to successfully cover all of the regions in your yard. You’ll need the right tools to get started.

What You’ll Require

If the mulch isn’t in a bag and is delivered to your home, you’ll need a shovel or pitchfork. This is so you can cram it into your wheelbarrow and move it more easily.

As a result, you’ll need a wheelbarrow to transfer your mulch from one location to another in an efficient manner that doesn’t need heavy lifting.

After that, there’s a rake. Because the tines are shorter but also stronger, more rigid, and intended to disseminate and break up material, a bow rake is great for spreading mulch. Other rakes may be used to finish the work without causing excessive lumps or bumps in your mulch.

Finally, you’ll need gloves. They will protect your hands while spreading mulch around the plants and into the harder-to-reach sections of your garden beds, even if you don’t mind getting muddy.

It’s Mulching Time!

Cleaning out your garden beds is the first step. You’ll want to get rid of any dried up leaves, sticks, garbage, and old mulch from previous years. You could also wish to edge the beds to create a definite border between the grass and your flower gardens.

After that, you’ll need to water your plants. Wet down the dry beds if there haven’t been any rains lately. This is so that part of the moisture from the irrigation may be trapped by the mulch.

If you’re using a pre-emergent herbicide (one that prevents weeds from growing), now is the time to apply it.

Remove any weeds that could be lurking about. Mulching has the added advantage of suppressing the growth of weeds, which will give you a head start and prevent some of those pesky weeds from sprouting.

Finally, scatter your mulch out. You’ll want to start by making small piles, then spread them out with a rake, and then finish with your hands. You can get down to the exact depth you want with your hands and keep the mulch evened out.

Ideally, the mulch should be spread to a thickness of two to four inches. Weeds will be able to poke through if you spread it too thin, and you’ll have to pluck them out.

Mulch that is overly thick might actually prevent water from reaching the soil. As a result, distribute it evenly and maintain it within a certain depth.

Mulching is beneficial to your garden, but it must be done correctly. Start strong and you’ll provide your plants with the sort of growing conditions they need.

If you have old mulch, it is important to lay a new layer of mulch over the old one. This will protect your plants and prevent weeds from growing. Reference: how to lay mulch over old mulch.

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