Smoking meat is a cooking technique that uses smoke from wood, charcoal or gas to cook food. It imparts the flavor of grilling in addition to adding moisture and tenderizing texture. Plus, it’s a great way for homeowners to boost their home’s value!.

The “wood smoking flavor chart” is a list of the best types of wood for smoking meat. The list includes the type of wood, the time and temp for each type, and how many hours it takes to get that kind of flavor.

The Best Types of Wood for Smoking Meat (Plus the Time and Temp for Each)

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Spring and summer are the seasons when people like grilling outside. Grilling and chilling entails more than just tossing burgers and hot dogs over an open fire.

There’s a method for infusing your favorite meats and shellfish with a totally new taste. This is referred to as smoking.

Smoking Meat: Everything You Need to Know

Even if you’re the King of the Grill, you’ve probably never tried smoking food. While grilling has minimal requirements — all you need is your grill and your meal – smoking foods requires a little more effort.

In the end, the key distinction is whether you like a smoky flavor or a grilled flavor.

The History of Meat Smoking

Smoking meat stretches back to ancient times, believe it or not. Cavemen would hang their meat to dry in their caves after hunting for food to avoid being disturbed by insects, rodents, or animals.

These tunnels were dark and smoky, and the hunters immediately discovered two things: meat exposed to the smoky region kept fresher for longer and tasted better.

Brining became popular as time went on, and when it was combined with the smoking process, a new means of preserving goods was developed. When speedier modes of conveyance were available, smoking became obsolete as a preservation method.

Smoking food, on the other hand, did not go away, since the taste and softness it brought out in cooking meat made it a popular method of food preparation.

What Are the Different Types of Food Smoking?

There are many methods for smoking meals, but the most common is Tobacco Smoking. Tobacco Smoking may be done on your barbecue or using a smoker.

If you want to smoke meals on your barbecue, place a pan of water below the food to collect any drippings. By boosting the humidity level, it will also keep the food wet.

Smoking While Wet, Roasting with Smoke, and cold smoking are some of the different methods of smoking meals.

Tobacco Smoking

Tobacco Smoking is a cooking process that is best done in an actual smoker, but it can be done on a grill as well. The meat is processed slowly and smoked with the addition of certain types of wood.

To ensure that the meat achieves the right Temperature and is properly cooked, the air Temperature must be managed and even raised.

The taste of your chosen food product is determined by the various kinds of wood used. Each kind of wood has a distinct flavor, and some types of wood pair well with particular dishes.

Because wet foods need low and slow cooking, you must ensure that you maintain the proper Temperature levels during smoking. Many people brine their dishes in a salty solution before smoking them to keep them as moist as possible while yet being fully cooked.

When Tobacco Smoking foods the Temperature needs to be between 200 to 220°F. The Internal Temperatureeratureeratureeratureeratureerature should register from 145 to 165°F depending on if you are cooking meat, fish or poultry.

Smoking While Wet

Smoking While Wet foods requires a water smoker made specifically for this process. The wet smoker has ventilation on the top and bottom of the grill. The vents on the bottom of the grate let you maintain a lower Temperature for longer periods of time.

You may maintain the Temperature between 225 and 250 degrees Fahrenheit for 4 to 6 hours after the pan is nearly full with water.

Roasting with Smoke

With so many methods to cook on a grill, it might be difficult to know which approach is ideal for your culinary abilities.

Roasting with Smoke is basically a method of cooking bigger and more solid pieces of meat or poultry on your grill or smoker. The food you choose will be prepared using Temperatures that are in between low and high – between 200° to 400°F – for several hours.

Some of the foods that are perfect for Roasting with Smoke are: roast beef, whole chickens, Roasted Chuck, and brisket. Chips that are made of hardwood will help to smoke the meat and it is common to use a dry rub of your choice to further flavor the roast.

The tastes and colors that form a picture-perfect roast come from the components that make up hardwood chips.

What is the definition of cold smoking?

Cold smoking is a method of imparting a smokey taste to food without actually cooking it. The cold smoking method may be done with or without a smoker.

If you don’t have a smoker, all you’ll need is a food-safe rack and a container large enough to fully cover the meal while it’s being smoked.

Many people salt or brine the food they are going to cold smoke to prevent germs from developing. Because the items you’ll be smoking will be exposed to very low Temperatures, you should keep them as cold as possible during cold smoking.

There will be no trouble keeping items secure from germs if you intend on cold smoking them before grilling them.

How Do You Smoke Foods Cold?

On your grill or smoker, clean the grate. Once the charcoal is ignited, place around three pieces of charcoal beneath the grate and 2 cups of your favorite wood chips on top. Cherry, apple, alder, and maple are the ideal woods for this technique.

Maintain a Temperature of 110 degrees Fahrenheit or less. You’re not really cooking the dishes on the grill; you’re merely adding a smokey taste.

When the weather is chilly, it’s preferable to cold smoke meals, but if you prefer warmer weather, simply place an ice pan beneath the grill to help maintain the Temperature.

How Long Does Cold Smoking Food Take?

When cold smoking meals, patience and attention are required. The Temperature should be kept between 68 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit. Cold smoking bacon or cheese will take roughly 4 hours at this low Temperature, while cold smoking a medium-sized ham would take 6–7 hours.

If you brine any of the items ahead of time, be sure to brine them for at least 24 hours in the refrigerator, then rinse them completely before grilling.

You can cook them on a standard grill after they’ve been cold smoked and they’ll keep their smokey taste.

What Foods Can You Smoke in the Cold?

This is the portion where you can do anything you want! One of the simplest meals to begin with is cheese. Swiss, cheddar, pepper jack, Gouda, mozzarella, and fontina are among the finest.

Country hams, sausage, bacon, fruits, vegetables, and fish are also ideal options for cold smoking.

A quick online search for more precise instructions on cold smoking each kind of food will supply you with all the information you need for each food category – Temperature, time period, and the ideal wood for each type of food.

What Are the Best Smoked Meats?

Each cut of beef has a unique composition. When you factor in the quantity of the meat and how it’s chopped, each meat will take a different amount of time to cook to completion, as well as a distinct flavor, depending on the sort of wood you use.

Here are some of the greatest meats to prepare, along with their benefits.

Beef Ribs

If merely reading this list makes your mouth wet, you’ve undoubtedly already had smoked ribs. They are juicy and succulent because they have a good quantity of fat in them. They may be relished after just 5 to 6 hours of cooking at 205°F.

Ribs that have been smoked with pecan or cherry wood seem to be the most flavorful.

Brisket de Boeuf

As one of the most popular cuts of beef prepared in a smoker, Brisket de Boeuf is somewhat tough but there is enough fat and marbling to make it a great choice. Cook the brisket with oak wood at a Temperature of 205°F for 10 to 14 hours.

Roasted Chuck

A Roasted Chuck is not as big as a brisket but it will take a Temperature of 205°F about 10 to 12 hours to smoke. Hickory wood is a good choice for smoking a Roasted Chuck.

Is it possible to smoke foods other than meat?

When you see how many various types of meals you can cook in your smoker, you’ll be shocked. Following are some ideas:



When cooked correctly in a smoker, chicken becomes unexpectedly juicy and tender. This delectable choice only takes around an hour and a half to prepare at 180°F using maple wood.


You don’t have to wait until Thanksgiving to try something different with turkey. It will only take around 2 hours at 160°F to make a new Christmas favorite if you use the correct wood (apple or maple is recommended).


Duck has a greater fat content and is a suitable option for smoking when using the same kinds of wood as turkey. Cook it for approximately 2 hours at 175°F.

Sea Food


Although salmon is an oily fish, it is high in the beneficial omega-2 fatty acids, making it an excellent option for smokers. If you use cherry wood, it will only take around 2 hours to smoke it adequately at 160°F.



Although the leg of lamb is a bit stiffer than the shoulder, it has enough fat to make it a delicious and tender treat from your smoker. At 190°F, this cut of lamb will take around 8 hours to cook.

For either cuts of lamb to be smoked, oak wood is optimal.


This cut of lamb has been found to be much more tender than many beef cuts. Its softness is enhanced by the fat content, and it may be eaten after approximately 7 hours at 190°F.

Cooking Techniques for the Best Smoked Foods

Here are a few pointers to keep in mind while smoking meals to ensure you get the best outcomes.

  • Do not smoke frozen items until they have been thoroughly thawed in the refrigerator or even in the microwave.
  • Refrigerate just the goods that you want to smoke. To avoid any potential germs from developing and multiplying while at lower Temperatures, maintain the items at the greatest Temperature possible when thawing.
  • When using your smoker, make sure you give yourself enough of time. The majority of this cooking is done on a low and slow setting.
  • When it comes to adding wood to your smoker, more isn’t necessarily better. Too much will not provide the juicy and delicious results you want. It’s been stated that if you just use half the quantity of wood for the first half of your cooking time, you’ll get the greatest results. So it doesn’t become too smoked, the heat will complete the cooking process.
  • Only use your grill or smoker when absolutely necessary. Opening the smoker lowers the Temperature and reduces the amount of smoke produced.
  • Keep the vents at the bottom of your grill open and clear. You’ll want to keep the air flowing. Rather of going back, aim for white smoke. If the black smoke continues, additional ventilation is required to counteract it.
  • If you plan on marinating your meal, do so in the refrigerator. If you intend on basting your food in the smoker or after it has been smoked, take off a tiny bit.

Do You Need to Buy a Smoker?

It is not necessary to use a smoker while smoking meals. A conventional gas barbecue or even an electric grill may be used to prepare wonderful smoked dishes.

However, if you often smoke items, you may find that owning a smoker makes the procedure a bit simpler and more fun.

When you use a grill designed expressly for smoking meats and poultry, you’ll have access to alternatives that will save you time and work compared to using a standard barbecue.

You won’t have to keep an eye on the Temperature to ensure it stays consistent. You can expect food that is correctly cooked, neither overcooked or underdone, when you use a smoker.

When buying a smoker, what should you look for?

If you’re going to spend the time and money on a smoker, there are a few things to consider while you’re out shopping.

  1. Decide if you want to utilize a charcoal, electric, or gas smoker. Each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, and if you already own a grill, you’ll probably want to acquire the same sort of smoker.
  2. When smoking your meals, go for one with a thermostat that you can set and forget.
  3. You may simply install a trustworthy thermostat to the smoker if it does not come with one. There are features that enable you to use your smartphone to control your thermostat.
  4. Make sure the smoker you purchase is big enough to fit the varieties of meat or poultry you like to smoke. It should be large enough to accommodate a slab of ribs while also being tall enough to accommodate a bird.
  5. Examine the smoker to ensure that you will have easy access to the food you are smoking. Examine how simple it will be to add additional wood or charcoal, as well as if you will be able to reach the water pan and replenish it.
  6. Before you buy a smoker, double-check to see whether it comes with a warranty and what it covers. Check internet reviews to discover what individuals who have previously purchased the smoker you are interested in have to say about it.
  7. You don’t have to create the wheel, but you may want to select a smoker with enough of them on it to be able to move about easily and adapt to different regions.
  8. If you have children or pets, ensure sure the smoker you select will not put them in any harm. A heated handle or unlocked wheels that might move with a child’s touch are two things to keep an eye out for.
  9. Most organizations that actually care about their consumers include a support crew that can help them have a great shopping experience. Check out what kind of help you’ll get if you have any inquiries or run into any problems while using your new smoker.
  10. Finally, like with other things, the most costly product is not usually the best. Find a manufacturer with a good reputation for quality and a lot of positive feedback from people who already possess the smoker you desire.

What Are the Different Smoker Types?

Ugly Drum Smokers – These smokers are built from steel drums and are known as Upright Drum Smokers. They have a huge capacity and may be used with a water pan.

Offset — This is the style of smoker that most serious outdoor chefs use. It features a cooking chamber and a firebox. With this smoker, you can simply control the Temperature and change the vents while cooking.

Propane gas cabinets are less costly and come with a water pan. They are also effective at maintaining a consistent Temperature. Even though they are not as expensive as the more expensive smokes, they give excellent results.

The egg-shaped kamado, often known as a ceramic grill/smoker, is better for smoking than grilling. They can withstand extreme Temperatures and, since they are insulated, can keep the Temperature constant.

Vertical Water Smoker – This style of smoker is simple to operate and takes up little space. The firebox, water pan, and smoking chamber are the three sections.

Smokers in Boxes – A box smoker, also known as a cabinet smoker, is a huge box in which the food is cooked in close contact with the wood. If you’re looking for a smoker like this, search for one that allows you to add extra wood without opening the door.

Electric — Electric smokers are simple to operate, but many grillers believe the flavor is inferior to that of charcoal or pellet smokers. This is not the grill for you if you prefer your food to be thoroughly smoked.

Pellet — These are among of the most recent additions to the smoker market, and they have a digital thermometer. Pellets manufactured from compressed sawdust function best with them.

If you have extra batteries to replace your smoke alarm, you may utilize this simple gadget on your stovetop. You may also use it on your barbecue outside.

Commercial — If you’re a serious griller and smoker, you should consider purchasing a commercial smoker. This includes all of the features seen in professional restaurants and would be ideal for anybody competing in smoking contests.

What Should You Know About Smoking Meats?

There are several sorts of meat as well as numerous types of wood. I’ve selected some of the greatest woods to complement each sort of meat.

You’ll also learn how long to smoke the meat for, how long to cook it, and what the Internal Temperatureeratureeratureeratureeratureerature should be when it’s time to remove it from the grill.

What Are the Best Woods for Smoking Meat?

Beef Wood species Temperature Time (Hours) Internal Temperatureeratureeratureeratureerature
Roasted Chuck (3-4 lb) hickory or pecan 225 -240°F 8-10 145°F
Brisket Alder, oak, and mesquite 225 -240°F 12-20 145°F
Ribs, Short hickory, oak, cherry 225 -240°F 6-8 145°F
Back Ribs mequite, hickory, red oak 225 -240°F 4-5 145°F
Ribs de campagne mesquite, hickory, and red oak 225 -240°F 3-4 145°F
Steak hickory, oak, and mequite 225 -240°F 0.75-1 med uncommon 135°F
Tri-Tip hickory, oak, cherry 210 -220°F 2 med uncommon 135°F
Prime Rib cherry, oak, hickory 225 -240°F 4-5 med uncommon 135°F
Pork Wood species Temperature Time (Hours) Internal Temperatureeratureeratureeratureerature
Back Ribs for Babies oak, hickory, and mequite 225 -240°F 5 145°F
Ribs to spare mesquite, hickory, and red oak 225 -240°F 6 145°F
Pork Butt hickory, cherry, pecan 225 -240°F 12-14 145°F
Pork Loin sugar maple, apple, pecan 225 -240°F 3-5 145°F
Tenderloin sugar maple, apple, pecan 225 -240°F 2 145°F
Poultry Wood species Temperature Time (Hours) Internal Temperatureeratureeratureeratureerature
Chicken (Whole) Cherry, pecan, and mesquite 250 -275°F 3-4 165°F
Thighs/legs of chicken maple, pecan, and apple 250 -275°F 2 165°F
Quarters of chicken chery, maple, pecan 250 -275°F 2 165°F
Wings of chicken pecan, apple, maple 250 -275°F 1.5-2 165°F
Turkey (Whole) oak, maple, hickory 240°F 5-7 165°F
Turkey (Legs) maple, apple, cherry 240°F 3-4 165°F
Turkey (Breast) oak, hickory, and mequite 240°F 4 165°F
Pheasant/Quail apple, hickory 225°F 1 165°F
Hens from Cornwall pecan, cherry, and orange 240°F 2 165°F
Lamb Wood species Temperature Time (Hours) Internal Temperatureeratureeratureeratureerature
Leg apple, hickory, oak 250°F 2-3 195°F
Shank apple, hickory, oak 250°F 2-3 195°F
Shoulder apple, hickory, oak 250°F 2-3 195°F
Seafood Wood species Temperature Time (Hours) Internal Temperatureeratureeratureeratureerature
Salmon cherry, alder, maple 220°F 1 145°F
Trout hickory, alder, and mequite 225°F 1 145°F
Tails of Lobster apple, oak hardwood 225°F 0.75 145°F
Oysters cherry, alder 225°F 0.5-0.75 145°F
Shrimp pecan, alder, hickory 225°F 0.75-1 145°F

Where can I get the best wood for smoking foods?

You can get a decent supply of wood for your smoker at any of the main home improvement retailers, such as Home Depot and Lowes.

Smoking materials may be found in the garden and patio areas of retailers like Walmart, and you can always get them online from Amazon and speciality companies like and

Are There Any Negative Effects of Smoking Foods?

There are relatively few disadvantages to smoking food. If you invest in costly equipment – smokers, wood, pellets, and various add-ons – only to properly smoke meat, poultry, and seafood, it might cost more to prepare your meals.

Cooking requires time and care, and it can quickly turn into an all-day affair. Most grilling and smoking fans don’t see it that way, and instead see it as a recreational activity.

The only significant disadvantage is that you must pay close attention to the safety of the items you are cooking. Because you are not really cooking the food during cold smoking, it stays in its natural uncooked condition, making it prone to germs.

Grilling ensures that meals are cooked at temperatures that prevent bacterial contamination. You won’t get food poisoning if you cook your meals correctly and keep them cold until you’re ready to eat them.

There are numerous things you can do to improve the taste of your meal options while grilling or smoking on the barbecue.

Brining keeps food wet, which is only increased by cooking rather than letting it dry up.

Dry rubs are another flavor enhancer that you can make at home and use on your favorite meat, poultry, or seafood.

Barbecue sauce is the main ingredient that gives dishes grilled outside their distinct taste. You may either purchase ready-made sauce or take the effort to prepare your own.

Here are a few ideas for your next backyard barbecue.

Brine for Smoking Foods (Basic)

To 4 cups of water, add 4 teaspoons of salt. You can produce enough brine to cover the meal if the amount of food you’re cooking is significant (double or triple the basic brine recipe of salt and water).

Place the food to be smoked in the brine, cover it, and place it in the refrigerator for 12 to 24 hours.

Meat Brining

1/4 cup kosher salt and 1/4 cup brown sugar added to 4 cups water (packed). Stir or whisk until smooth, then pour over the meat. If the meat isn’t completely soaked, create more brine batches until it is.

Refrigerate for at least two hours, if not overnight.

Chicken Brining

Pour 1 gallon of warm water into a large mixing bowl, then add 3/4 cup kosher salt, 2/3 cup sugar, 3/4 cup soy sauce, and 1/4 cup olive oil. Stir until everything is well blended; add the chicken, cover, and chill.

Allow skinless chicken to brine for 4 hours, other bone-in pieces of chicken for 4 hours, and a whole chicken for 4 to 24 hours.

Before cooking in the smoker or on the grill, take the chicken from the brine and pat it dry with a paper towel. This recipe serves a 6-pound entire chicken or ten pounds of chicken breasts (boneless, skinless).

Seafood Brining

Fill a big pan halfway with water. 1 tablespoon brown sugar, 1/4 cup kosher salt, 1/4 cup brown sugar, 2 bay leaves, 2 teaspoons dill (fresh or dried), and 1/4 cup kosher salt Combine all of the ingredients in a medium saucepan and cook for 5 minutes.

Allow the mixture to cool before placing it in a zipped plastic bag with the seafood. Allow an hour for the seafood to steep. Before grilling the seafood, be sure to rinse it with cold water and dry it with a paper towel after removing it from the brine.

Basic Meat, Chicken, and Seafood Dry Rub

  • dark brown sugar, 4 teaspoons
  • smoked paprika, 4 teaspoons
  • 2 tablespoons salt, coarse
  • 1 tbsp. black pepper
  • garlic powder, 2 tablespoons
  • 2 teaspoons powdered onion
  • 1 tablespoon oregano

Combine the ingredients and massage them all over the dish you’re going to grill or smoke. This combination can last for up to 6 months if stored in a glass jar.

Barbecue Sauce Made Easy

  • ketchup, 2/3 cup
  • apple cider vinegar, 1/3 cup
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar, packed
  • smoked paprika, 2 tablespoons
  • 1 teaspoon cumin powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt (kosher)
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper, ground

In a medium saucepan, combine all of the ingredients. Simmer for 5 minutes over medium heat. Allow to cool and keep in the refrigerator until ready to brush over smoked or grilled meats, poultry, or pig.

Oak wood is a type of wood that is best for smoking meat. It’s also the most common type of wood used for this purpose. The time and temperature for each type are listed below. Reference: oak wood for smoking.

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