Remington 18A-212A783 12-Amp Corded Electric Side Discharge/Mulching/Bagging Lawn Mower is one of the revolutionary land mowers produced by Remington. This comes with an estimated weight of 68 pounds and has ASIN of B003JN49HA. Upon the introduction of Remington 18A-212A783 12-Amp Corded Electric Side Discharge/Mulching/Bagging Lawn Mower in the market, many people have been eager to purchase one. In every offer you will find, expect that it comes with precisely 2-year warranty period. If you consider buying Remington 18A-212A783 12-Amp Corded Electric Side Discharge/Mulching/Bagging Lawn Mower in the future, this review will help you know pertinent points about the item.

Product Features

· Remington 18A-212A783 12-Amp Corded Electric Side Discharge/Mulching/Bagging Lawn Mower is built with 24-volt motor as well as 19 inches of electric cord.

· This comes with 3-in1 discharge abilities namely: side, bag and mulch discharge.

· There are also 6 position decks adjustable from 1.23 inches up to 3.5 inches in height.

· The handle of Remington 18A-212A783 12-Amp Corded Electric Side Discharge/Mulching/Bagging Lawn Mower is made with ergonomic features and has foam cushion grip.


One of the best things about Remington 18A-212A783 12-Amp Corded Electric Side Discharge/Mulching/Bagging Lawn Mower is that it comes with ample power to handle even complex tasks in your lawn. In addition to that, the equipment operates quietly which is a pro when you are near to your neighborhood. Another good thing to expect from Remington 18A-212A783 12-Amp Corded Electric Side Discharge/Mulching/Bagging Lawn Mower is its ergonomic handle. Because of this feature, it would be easy for you to operate and control the equipment. Lastly, it is undeniable how the equipment can cut the grass in your yard in a very clean way.


The only problem that you will encounter when using Remington 18A-212A783 12-Amp Corded Electric Side Discharge/Mulching/Bagging Lawn Mower is that it is not yet assembled after purchasing. However, the process of assembling the equipment is very easy and might not take too much of your time.

Customer Reviews and Scores

In Amazon, Remington 18A-212A783 12-Amp Corded Electric Side Discharge/Mulching/Bagging Lawn Mower received an overall rating of 3.5 out of 5 stars. This is brought by the individual scores given by 14 reviews. Out of those 14 reviews, 6 rated the item with 5 stars. On the other hand, there are 3 which rated the item with 4 stars, 2 with 2 stars and 3 with 1 star. The average Amazon rating obtained by Remington 18A-212A783 12-Amp Corded Electric Side Discharge/Mulching/Bagging Lawn Mower means that most customers are satisfied with its features.


With the light of information gathered regarding Remington 18A-212A783 12-Amp Corded Electric Side Discharge/Mulching/Bagging Lawn Mower, there is no doubt that this is one of the best land mowers you can find out there. This comes with proven and tested features unlike the other heavily marketed units out there. Though there are some concerns about Remington 18A-212A783 12-Amp Corded Electric Side Discharge/Mulching/Bagging Lawn Mower, those are just minor problems and still yet to be justified.