I made these delicious beer can chicken thighs on my Big Green Egg. The meat is so tender and tasty that you’ll never want to use a regular skillet again! You will love how easy it is to make this dinner in just one hour because of the big green egg’s portability, too.

The “big green egg kamado joe” is a recipe that uses the Big Green Egg to cook chicken. The beer can chicken on the Big Green Egg is a perfect meal for summertime.

Oberon Beer Can Chicken on the Big Green Egg (Kamado Whole Chicken)



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The taste of this Oberon Beer Chicken with Dizzy Pig Spices on the Big Green Egg is incredible. Oberon beer is a popular local favorite that is quickly gaining national recognition. Its semi-fruity tastes will assist keep the chicken moist on the inside while also providing flavor.

This Oberon Beer Chicken is also packed with bold spices from Dizzy Pig which include Shakin’ the Tree, IPA & Bayou-ish seasonings.

Gourmet Lemon Pepper is the flavor of Dizzy Pig’s Shakin’ the Tree. According to Dizzy Pig, the tangy citrus taste comes from genuine lemon zest, and the sharpness and circuitousness are balanced enough to complement a wide range of meats.

The Bayou-ish seasoning is a blackening blend of fresh herbs, spices, peppercorns, and chiles with a perfect balance of heat.

A hop-infused seasoning combination, the IPA seasoning. This Dizzy Pig invention is a brilliant combination that combines hops, citrus, and chiles into a single flavoring.

Ingredients for Oberon Beer Chicken


  • Chicken Whole (this one is 4 pounds)
  • Dizzy Pig’s Shakin’ The Tree Seasoning
  • Dizzy Pig’s IPA Seasoning
  • Dizzy Pig’s Bayou-ish Seasoning

How to Prepare Oberon Beer Chicken on the Big Green Egg


Setting the Big Green Egg Daisy Wheel to 350 degrees


Setting the Draft Door on the Big Green Egg to 350°F


Preheat the Big Green Egg to around 350 degrees.


Place the plate setter with the feet facing up.


The BGE should have a drip tray.


Insert the Grate for the Big Green Egg.

How to cook Oberon Beer Chicken on the Big Green Egg.


After opening the box, place a few of paper towels on the cutting board to absorb any residual fluids.


Apply a nickel-sized drop of Extra Virgin Olive Oil on the chicken and massage it in. Shakin’ The Tree, IPA, and Bayou-ish Seasoning were evenly sprinkled over the chicken.


Repeat with the other side of the chicken.


This procedure may also be done with a conventional beer can, however the roasting attachment on The Big Green Egg provides the chicken a bit more balance.


Fill the roaster halfway with 6 ounces of Oberon Beer.


Place the bird on the roaster with its feet down.


As before, drizzle in a little Extra Virgin Olive Oil and season with the three Dizzy Pig seasonings.


It’s time to start frying the chicken after all sides have been seasoned and it’s on its feet!

The Oberon Beer Chicken in the Kitchen


The temperature on the Big Green Egg should be about 350 degrees. Insert the Probes and place the Oberon Chicken on the BGE.

Place one probe in the breast’s thickest area and the other in the thigh. These are the two parts of the chicken that will take the longest to cook, and you don’t want any rare spots.


Simply pour little water into the drip tray behind the grate to keep the Oberon Chicken moist. Allow to cook with the lid closed.


The Oberon Chicken is done when it reaches 175 degrees.


Remove the probes and put them aside.


Enjoy the Big Green Egg’s wonderfully cooked Oberon Chicken. Another quick and simple family favorite!

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The “oven beer can chicken” is a dish that has been around for many years, but in recent years it has become more popular. It is made by cooking a whole chicken on the Big Green Egg (Kamado) over indirect heat with liquid smoke and beer. The result is an incredibly moist and flavorful meal.

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