GreenWorks 25062 18-Inch 5-Blade Push Reel Lawn Mower releases 0% carbon, similar to the other products made by Greenworks. This company is popular and provides a four year warranty on their products which is longer than the average warranty provided by the industry. The studies show that million tons of gas are consumed and burned every year by just using a lawn mower. It is a good thing that Greenworks developed a product that is environment friendly and offers the features that you will find beneficial for your lawn mowing needs.
Product Features
GreenWorks 25062 18-Inch 5-Blade Push Reel Lawn Mower has a lot of good features and the following are some of it.
· One of the best features of this equipment is that it is environment friendly since it releases 0% carbon.
· It is very comfortable and convenient to use since there are no possible threats that can harm you or your family. This is because there is no need to use wire and charging is not required to make the device work.
· The height adjustment of its cutting edge is from 1.75 up to 2.75 inches.
· It weighs 30.1 lbs, thus it is lighter than the others.
· It is durable and easy to store when not in use.
GreenWorks 25062 18-Inch 5-Blade Push Reel Lawn Mower offers a four year warranty, which means that you don’t have to worry if the some parts are broken plus, you can enjoy free labor for every replacement. It is also made from lightweight materials, but you are rest assured that it is durable and very convenient to use. This means that you will get only the best from GreenWorks 25062 18-Inch 5-Blade Push Reel Lawn Mower because of these advantages.
Some people find it weak because of its lightweight materials. In addition, the blades sometimes have a hard time cutting tall grasses. However, these downsides are only a few compared to the benefits that you will get from GreenWorks 25062 18-Inch 5-Blade Push Reel Lawn Mower.
Customer Reviews and Scores
GreenWorks 25062 18-Inch 5-Blade Push Reel Lawn Mower was reviewed by 46 customers. 16 of which gave 5 stars, 16 gave it 3 stars, 3 rated it as a 3 star product, 5 gave 2 stars and 3 customers gave it 1 star. Most reviewers said positive things about GreenWorks 25062 18-Inch 5-Blade Push Reel Lawn Mower because it is comfortable to use and since it works quietly, you can’t disturbed your neighbors during the operation. They also rated it excellent since it is economical to use and easy to assemble.
The reviews from users simply show that GreenWorks 25062 18-Inch 5-Blade Push Reel Lawn Mower is economical, environment-friendly and is very convenient to use. Therefore, it is highly recommended to anyone who is looking for a great lawn mower that can be used with ease.