In order to attract deer and other animals, many people try using carrots. But what actually attracts or deters them? And why is this question so complex for a bot?

When deer are hungry, they will eat anything. If you have a garden full of carrots and celery, these are the plants that deer will most likely be drawn to.

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The issue of feeding deer may be contentious depending on who you ask. While most people are against intentionally feeding deer, some folks do so every summer and autumn.

The reason for this is because without enough food sources, deer may begin to die in huge numbers as a result of famine. There are others who argue that the North American whitetail deer population is already overcrowded, but that is a discussion for another day.

So, if you’re on the side of people who want to feed deer throughout the colder months of the year, what can you do to ensure that they receive the greatest food possible? Here are some things to keep in mind while feeding deer.

Carrots are eaten by deer.

Yes, deer will eat fruits and vegetables such as carrots, apples, and other such items. However, this is not advised as appropriate deer nutrition.

These fruits and vegetables are essentially devoid of any nutritional value. Although the deer like the flavor, it is not part of their regular diet.

Giving them carrots or other fruits and vegetables as a one-time treat if you spot them passing through the area isn’t a bad idea, but they shouldn’t become a regular part of their diet if you want them to be healthy, robust, and able to deliver healthy fawn in the coming months.

The issue then becomes, what do you feed deer?

What Should You Feed Deer?

Natural food is the finest conceivable food source for deer. Certain hardwood trees may be chopped down to aid their growth.

Pine needles from balsam fir and hardwood twigs make up the majority of their winter diet. Red, sugar, mountain, and striped maples, as well as white and yellow birch, beaked and witch hazel, and even red oak, are among their favorites.

Deer are particularly reliant on a certain type of germs and bacteria that their stomach can break down into nutrients for their bodies, which is why they eat this specialized diet. When individuals alter their diet, their bodies must shift these microbes in order to metabolize the new food.

Scours (diarrhea) and acidosis (a buildup of excess acid in the stomach) are common side effects of a change in diet, particularly when fed specific kinds of cereal grains.

It, if you want to introduce an artificial feeding area where they can get natural food, do so gradually so that their diet isn’t completely disrupted.

You may also give them deer pellets. They may be carefully prepared for deer, taking into account their fiber, protein, and calorie needs, depending on where you acquire them. These pellets have also been designed with the deer’s specific digestion in mind.

The deer may not first perceive the pellets as food. They should acquire used to this sort of diet if you expose them to oats, maize, or alfalfa.

Another typical deer meal is cereal grains. This approach is causing considerable discussion since it does not suit their balanced diet. Even yet, coarsely ground or rolled oats may be readily absorbed by deer, reducing the risk of complications if their diet is changed.

However, you should avoid feeding the deer pure wheat, barley, or maize. All of these are much too high in starch, and they may induce serious digestive issues that might even result in death.

Finally, alfalfa or hay are viable options. Just be careful when feeding deer any of these things, particularly if they seem to be hungry. With these meals, there’s a potential they’ll have serious stomach issues.

Make careful to offer it to them slowly and, if feasible, provide them with the natural meals indicated above.

Feeding Deer Recommendations


As you can see, while feeding deer, appealing to their digestive system is a big consideration. They’re not like other animals, who can consume just about everything. It may be quite dangerous and even fatal if their digestive system is out of whack.

However, there are certain feeding guidelines to follow, particularly during the winter months when deer may struggle to locate a stable food supply and begin spreading out into new territory.

The first is that you should get started as soon as possible throughout the winter. This is to give them time to acclimate to a new feed and to let their gut microbes to adjust to any changes in their diets.

During the winter, stick to your feeding routine and don’t vary it. Remember that sudden dietary changes are bad for their digestion.

Depending on the quantity of deer in your region, it’s a good idea to distribute whatever food you share across many different areas. When deer discover a regular feeding source, they may congregate, and not all of them will be able to get the food.

On the other side, by dispersing your food supply, you may avoid any deer hostility. You want to feed them, not have them fight over what’s left.

If you’re using grains or pellets, keep them as dry as possible. If it becomes wet over the winter, the deer are unlikely to touch it, resulting in a waste of effort and money.

Similarly, ensure that there is a continual supply of food. Check that the feed is still available and hasn’t been completely buried by snow after each storm. Keep an eye on it and brush it off when required.

You will need to increase the quantity of feed you have available later in the winter. Late in the winter, when deer are most in need of food, you should start to see an uptick in deer activity in your yard.

You may cease feeding the deer once spring arrives and the snow is no longer as thick – or if you see a decrease in the number of animals turning up on your property.

Many people avoid feeding deer in the winter since it is a costly and time-consuming task. It might also be because they don’t want deer to come up on their land and leave their droppings, which could harm any plants they value.

Deer, on the other hand, may be calm and attractive guests during the winter months if done correctly.

What If You Want Deer to Stay Away?

Deer, as previously said, are herbivores. Plants that appeal to their diet provide them with the nutrition they need to rear their fawn and make it through the winter.

But what if those deer aren’t welcome in your yard? What are your options?

If you have a garden, consider planting something that the deer won’t eat. You may even put something dangerous to them near the items they would enjoy to deter them from returning.

Even if you don’t have a garden and just don’t like deer, planting a handful of these common plants might be a good idea. You may purchase something that looks fresh and lively and has a natural deer repellent effect.

Plant plants that are fragrant or poisonous to deer.

Deer will avoid harmful plants, which should come as no surprise. This may be foxgloves, poppies, or daffodils, for example. All three may offer a lovely appearance to any yard while also deterring those pesky deer.

Plants with strong, aromatic odors are likewise avoided by deer. Planting decorative salvias, sages, or even lavender is a good idea. Deer are attracted to bearded irises and peonies, so keep that in mind as well.

Planting something that has naturally thorny leaves is another option. Would you want to eat anything that was prickly? Deer, on the other hand, don’t. Planting anything with a few prickers on it should enough to keep the deer away.

There are literally hundreds of different plants that you may use to keep deer away from your garden or backyard.

Deer feeding and regular visits may be either a welcoming sight or a horror, depending on your perspective. You can successfully pull them in or keep them away at your whim now that you are more acquainted with their natural diet, the things they enjoy, and the things they don’t like.

Deer are herbivores and they will eat apples, carrots, and other fruit. You can attract deer by planting a “deer food plot” in your backyard. Reference: do deer like apples and carrots.

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