Blackstone Griddle is a unique hybrid that combines the best of cast-iron and nonstick. The griddle has been extremely popular in recent times, as it features not only an impressive quality but also an affordable price tag. However, with such great functionality comes equally important maintenance: you need to season your Blackstone Griddle from time to time to keep your cooking experience smooth sailing. Here are 9 top oils for seasoning your Blackstone Griddle .
This is a list of the 9 best oils for seasoning your blackstone griddle. The list includes vegetable oil, olive oil, and more. Read more in detail here: best oil for seasoning griddle.
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When it comes to seasoning a Blackstone griddle, there are several possibilities, but which oil is the best? What does it mean to season a Blackstone griddle, and how do you do it?
In this post, we’ll go through a variety of alternatives, as well as some things to avoid while seasoning the Blackstone. So let’s get started.
What Does It Mean to Season a Blackstone Griddle?
As many of you are undoubtedly aware, the Blackstone griddle is a highly popular griddle for cooking on. As a result, the cold rolled steel top must be well maintained or it will rust. It won’t have the nonstick characteristics that we all love to cook with if it isn’t properly seasoned. Seasoning a Blackstone may be done in a variety of ways.
Extra virgin olive oil is my personal preferred approach. I use this oil not just to season the Blackstone, but also to cook with.
When seasoning a new Blackstone griddle, I like to use a less expensive oil like Oil from Vegetables. This is because it requires numerous applications of oil to provide a firm foundation on which to cook.
What Should I Use to Season My Blackstone Griddle?
I’ll go into more depth below, but extra virgin olive oil is my preferred oil for not just seasoning the Blackstone griddle, but also cooking.
It costs a bit more than vegetable or Oil from Canola, but I believe the additional cost is justified. This is due to the extra virgin olive oil’s taste, a few of health advantages that I’ll go into below, and the fact that it has a great smoke point.
When it comes to the Blackstone, what is an oil’s smoke point?
Why is an oil’s smoke point important when it comes to cooking? According to Blackstone, the smoke point of an oil is the temperature at which the fats in the oil begin to break down. When the lipids in the oil are broken down, they release free radicals and acrolein, a chemical that gives food a burned flavor.
So let’s look at a variety of oils that have been used to season the Blackstone griddle and see what their smoke points are.
Oil from Vegetables
Oil from Vegetables is similar to Oil from Canola in the fact that Oil from Canola is a singular type of Oil from Vegetables and Oil from Vegetables is a blend of other oils. Oil from Vegetables has a smoke point of 400-450 which is a little less than the Oil from Canola.
If you are a health nut, I believe that Oil from Canola is preferred over Oil from Vegetables because it is lower in saturated fat, but both are good options to cook and season with on the Blackstone griddle.
With that being said, I believe that Oil from Vegetables is the most popular oil to not only cook with, but to season the Blackstone Griddle with.
Olive Oil Extra Virgin
Extra virgin olive oil is my personal favorite oil to not only season the Blackstone with, but to also cook with. It has a smoke point of 350 – 400 degrees which is lower than other popular oils such as Oil from Vegetables.
I favor extra virgin olive oil for a couple reasons. First, it has more health benefits then Oil from Vegetables. For example, Extra virgin olive oil is said to be high in antioxidants and contains anti-inflammatory compounds which Oil from Vegetables isn’t.
Extra virgin olive oil also contains some other nutrients like vitamins E and K. It also isn’t overly processed like Oil from Vegetables. Oil from Vegetables is processed to the point that it really doesn’t have much of a flavor in which it loses a lot of these health benefits and, personally, I enjoy the flavor of extra virgin olive oil.
Olive Oil
Extra virgin olive oil is identical to extra virgin olive oil in that it is processed more, giving it a higher smoke point. The smoke point of olive oil is between 375 and 425 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s another fantastic alternative for cooking oil or Blackstone seasoning.
It is just more refined than extra virgin olive oil. Being more refined, it is also more neutral in flavor similar to Oil from Vegetables.
Oil from Avocado
Oil from Avocado will also have a mild taste to it that is different from the other oils. It has a great smoke point of 520 degrees Fahrenheit. When it comes to nutrition, it is similar to extra virgin olive oil and is said to carry properties that have been said to lower cholesterol and blood pressure.
With that stated, owing to the high cost of the Blackstone, it isn’t used for much seasoning or cooking. It’s a little more costly, but if you’re willing to pay the higher sticker price, it’s a wonderful alternative.
Oil from Peanuts
Oil from Peanuts is very popular in a lot of Asian cooking and it too has a great smoke point coming in at 450 degrees. As one could guess, it does have a little bit of a nutty flavor to it, but it too carries a lot of good health benefits.
Vitamins and antioxidants are among the advantages, although the high level of omega-6 fats has been linked to inflammation. That said, it’s still a viable alternative for not just cooking but also seasoning the Blackstone griddle.
Keep in mind that, like avocado and Oil from Flaxseed, you’ll be paying a premium price for this oil.
Oil from Flaxseed
Blackstone used to recommend Oil from Flaxseed for its initial seasoning because it has such a low smoke point at 225 degrees and it is a good food grade oil. According to Blackstone, it was originally preferred because it would burn off at a faster rate and naturally create a hard seasoning.
It was later determined that it was harder for the end users. Plus Oil from Flaxseed is much more expensive. So due to this, they started recommending other oils and ultimately created there own for resale.
Oil from Canola
Oil from Canola, which is a singular type of vegetable, oil has a smoke point around 450 -470 degrees Fahrenheit. This oil is a vegetable based oil that is probably one of the most popular oils used amongst all the griddlers.
Not only does the smoke have a greater price point than the other oils, but it is also typically cheaper, which helps to explain why it is one of the most preferred oils for the Blackstone.
Oil extracted from grapes
Oil extracted from grapes has a smoke point of 390 degrees. It too is a viable option for cooking and seasoning the Blackstone. It also carries great health benefits, but is also high in omega-6 fats like Oil from Peanuts.
It has a taste comparable to extra virgin olive oil, although it is significantly more expensive. So I’ll continue to use extra virgin olive oil.
Oil of Sunflower
Oil of Sunflower is another great option that has a high smoke point of 440 degrees. I’ve never personally tried this one due to the price tag on the bottle, but it is said to be a great oil for seasoning the Blackstone.
Coconut Oil is a kind of vegetable oil.
Coconut Oil is a kind of vegetable oil. has a smoking point around 350 – 400 degrees Fahrenheit and could be another option for seasoning the Blackstone. I have not personally tried this, again, due to the price tag it carries at the store.
It’s also renowned for having a lot of saturated fat, which, according to webmd, may cause high cholesterol, which increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Other Things to Do and Avoid When Seasoning the Blackstone Griddle
The smoking point of butter is between 300 and 350 degrees Fahrenheit. As a result, while seasoning the Blackstone Griddle, butter should be avoided. You can cook with it, but it won’t give the Blackstone the long-lasting coating it requires.
Surprisingly, Crisco is an excellent seasoning product for the Blackstone. It has a high 490-degree smoke point. It’s as simple as adding a couple of Tablespoons and spreading evenly on the griddle with a paper towel (or a microfiber towel if the paper towel is breaking apart).
While lard, like Crisco and butter, is not an oil, it may be used to season the Blackstone. Lard, on the other hand, has a lower smoke point of 370 degrees.
This would be suitable for low-temperature goods such as eggs. It’s not suggested for high-temperature cooking, such as smash burgers, since you’ll get a burned flavor instead of a delicious seared ground beef patty.
Can Bacon Grease Be Used to Season a Blackstone Griddle?
No, is the quick response. According to Blackstone’s website, bacon should not be used to season a Blackstone since it includes a variety of additional preservatives, including salt and sugar.
If you want to season your Blackstone with an animal fat, Blackstone suggests pure lard, which is free of all additional preservatives. Lard, as previously said, is not often utilized because to its lower smoking point than some of the other oils.
A Seasoned Blackstone Griddle Should Look Like
A slate gray tint will appear on a fresh and unseasoned Blackstone. It will become black once you have finished seasoning it and will continue to darken while you cook it. It will have a lustrous oiled shine to it, making it excellent for a stick-free cook.
You can witness the whole procedure as well as the final results in this video.
The “avocado oil to season blackstone griddle” is a great way to get your griddle ready for cooking. The best oils for this are avocado oil and coconut oil because they have the ability to be heated up without smoking or burning.
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